Digital Research Poster Fair on Monday April 30th at Action Lab

We invite you to attend the Liberal Arts Action Lab digital poster fair to learn about research projects completed this semester by teams of Capital Community College and Trinity College students with Hartford community partners.

Date: Monday, April 30, 2018, drop in any time between 3:00-5:30pm

Location: Trinity College at 10 Constitution Plaza, Hartford CT
See directions at

Enjoy light refreshments and see presentations from the following teams:

Eviction Project

  • Community Partner: Connecticut Fair Housing Center
  • Students: Anjenique White and Lindsay Pressman

Mapping Blight Project

  • Community Partner: Community Solutions
  • Students: Garret Forst, Cecilia Harris, and Lindon James

PILOT Messaging Project

  • Community Partner: Councilmember Wildaliz Bermudez and Open Community Alliance
  • Students: Michael Barlowski, Luke Blough, Haley Dougherty, and Max Eichner

Creative Placemaking Project

  • Community Partner: HartBeat Ensemble
  • Students: Josephine Bensa, Jane Bisson, Giana Moreno, and Aulona Zeka

Parent Engagement Project

  • Community Partner: Hartford Public Library
  • Students: Ali Odermann, Tyesha Rodriguez, Clinton Triumph

This event is open to the public. Please forward this invitation to others who may be interested. Contact Action Lab Director Megan Brown with any questions.

Photo of Action Lab students by Nick Caito