Students and Faculty Fellows: Apply to Action Lab by March 26

We invite students and faculty to apply to the Liberal Arts Action Lab, located at 10 Constitution Plaza in downtown Hartford. We research problems posed by Hartford community partners, and match them with teams of students and faculty from Capital Community College and Trinity College, who conduct semester-long projects to strengthen the city. Currently, we are recruiting for these Hartford research projects in Fall 2018:

  • Traffic Safety
  • Food Stories
  • Opportunity Youth
  • Home Ownership
  • Sustainable Foods
  • $15 Dollar Wage

Students earn 2 Trinity or 6 Capital credits by enrolling in two courses, taught by Action Lab Director Megan Brown:

  • LAAL 200: Action Research Methods course (Mondays 1:15-3:55pm)
  • LAAL 201: Hartford Research Project (either Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, or Wednesday evening)

Faculty fellows meet with their designated team about five times during the semester to help set expectations, offer academic resources, and provide feedback on student work. Fellows receive a stipend of $1,000.

Learn more about projects and community partners, and apply online by March 26th 2018 at:

Listen to Action Lab students’ experiences in this short video:

Come to an information session at Capital Community College:

  • Wed March 21st, 5-5:30pm in Room 403
  • Thu March 22nd, 12:30-1pm, Community Room, 2nd floor

For questions, contact us:

Photo credits: Nick Caito; Tony Bacewicz/Atlantic Vision Media