Course Development Grants

Each year, Community Learning offers several Course Development Grants of $1000 to support faculty in the process of designing community learning courses–whether revising an existing course or creating a new one. Eligibility is open to all faculty on tenure-track or renewable appointments, including new hires who will begin in the fall. We especially encourage newer Trinity faculty to apply.

Apply by Wednesday March 28th, 2018 at 4pm via email attachment to Megan Hartline 

Read how we define community learning, and write a proposal, usually no more than two pages, that includes:

  • Your contact information
  • Course title, one-paragraph catalog description, and semester to be offered
  • Projected enrollment and types of students (e.g., majors, non-majors; intro or upper-level)
  • Have you previously taught this course? (If yes, attach a copy of the most recent syllabus. If no, then provide sufficient detail to help readers understand your course goals.)
  • How would you use this grant to enhance community learning for students in your course? Address the following, and emphasize how the grant would allow you to improve upon what your course would normally offer.
    • What kinds of community learning activities will students engage in?
    • Who might be your community partner(s) or types of partner(s)?
    • How will community learning connect with major themes in your course?
  • A simple budget: Show how the $1,000 grant would be spent. You may request a faculty stipend to support additional work, or payment for a community consultant or student teaching assistant, or specific expenses or equipment, or any combination of the above.

Feel free to contact CLI Faculty Director Jack Dougherty or Associate Director Megan Hartline to ask questions or discuss your ideas in advance. We will listen to your ideas and can help to connect you with potential community partners who may share mutual interests.

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