Community Learning Research Fellows 2017-18

Maternal Health and Infant Mortality in Hartford
Student Researcher: Chelsea Armistead
Faculty Sponsor: Dina Anselmi
Community Partner: Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and Infant Outreach Program, City of Hartford

Small Business Improvement and Neighborhood Revitalization along New Britain Avenue
Student Researcher: Larisa Bogomolov
Faculty Sponsors: Carol Clark
Community Partner:  Behind the Rocks and Southwest NRZs

Hartford:  A College City?
Student Researcher: Henry Chavez
Faculty Sponsor: Isaac Kamola
Community Partner: The Hartford Consortium for Higher Education

Investing in Hartford’s Diverse Communities:  Analysis of Financial Institutions’ Record of Investment in the Metro Hartford Area
Student Researcher: Kenneth Haas
Faculty Sponsor: Diane Zannoni and Carol Clark
Community Partner: Hartford Community Loan Fund

The Role of Feedback in Metacognition and Learning at the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA)
Student Researcher: Daisuke Katsumata
Faculty Sponsors: Dina Anselmi and David Reuman
Community Partner:  Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy

Students’ Metacognitive Skills and Motivation to Learn: Does Subject Area or Grade Level Matter?
Student Researchers: Jillian Ramsay & Adelaide Jenkins
Faculty Sponsors: Dina Anselmi and David Reuman
Community Partner:  Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy

Growing Food and Social Capital: The Role of Urban Gardens in Strengthening a Sense of Community amongst Gardeners
Student Researcher: Grace Metry
Faculty Sponsor: Emily Cummins
Community Partner: KNOX, Community Gardens Program

Research Fellows Faculty Coordinator, 2017-18: Professor Carol Clark

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