Community Learning Research Fellows 2016-17


Inmates, their Children, and the World Beyond the Razor Wire: Evaluating the Judy Dworin Performance Project’s Use of Arts-Based Expression with Mothers Released from York Correctional Institution
Student Researcher: Margaret Brown
Faculty Sponsors: Judy Dworin and Sarah Diamond
Community Partners: Judy Dworin Performance Project; Diamond Research Consulting LLC

Parental Engagement in a Social Service Setting: Can Rhetoric Become Reality?
Student Researcher: Doug Curtin
Faculty Sponsor: Jack Dougherty
Community Partner: Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Making Healthy Choices in the Health Care Market Place
Student Researchers: Matthew Laccavole
Faculty Sponsors: Carol Clark and Diane Zannoni
Community Partner: United Connecticut Action for Neighborhoods

Transnationalism and School Choice in the Greater Hartford Region
Student Researcher: Michelle Herbert
Faculty Sponsor: Jack Dougherty
Community Partner: The Center for Latino Progress

Enriching Student Success through a Metacognitive School-Based Intervention
Student Researchers: Lisa Lee, Annabelle Regalado, and Evan Scollard
Faculty Sponsors: Dina Anselmi and David Reuman
Community Partner: Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy

Parent Perceptions of Resource Inequities in the Behind the Rocks Neighborhood District and Magnet Schools
Student Researcher: Cara Midlige
Faculty Sponsor: Jack Dougherty
Community Partner: SW/Behind the Rocks NRZ

Economic Disparities between Refugees and Non-refugees in the Hartford Metropolitan Region
Student Researcher: Chinmay Rayarikar
Faculty Sponsor: Janet Bauer
Community Partner: Hartford Commission on Refugees and Immigrant Affairs

Re-alignment of the Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis CLI with 6th Grade Science Standards at HMTCA
Student Researcher: Ana Romano
Faculty Sponsor: Michelle Kovarik
Community Partner: Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy

Green Transformation of Hartford: Model for Sustainable Development in Urban America
Student Researcher: Jennifer Tran
Faculty Sponsor: Rasha Ahmed and Carol Clark
Community Partner: Climate Stewardship Council – City of Hartford Planning and Zoning Commission

The Struggles and Triumphs of Ethnic Media Reaching the Targeted Audience Throughout Hartford
Student Researcher: Michelle Treglia
Faculty Sponsor: Alta Lash
Community Partner: Department of Consumer Protection

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