Assignment 4: Google Fusion Tables

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The map below displays an estimate that the growing minority population will continue to be concentrated in urban areas, which will reinforce current levels of segregation in Connecticut. I used the Connecticut town boundaries, Census 2010 from MAGIC UConn Libraries and then I obtained the Increase in Minority Population (2010-2030) from the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Report that Erin Kemple had given to me. In this report there is a static map impeded onto a PDF, which had been made using ArcGIS. I have not yet received the ArcGIS maps and shapefiles for these maps so for this assignment I had to manually add the increase in minority data manually by adding another column in Google Fusion Tables through looking at the pre-made map in the report. So for the map below, if you click on a certain town you will not get the exact data, since I have not received it yet. I also am unsure of how to get rid of the red shading at the bottom of the map.

One thought on “Assignment 4: Google Fusion Tables”

  1. Nice map, Emily!

    Unfortunately, I am not the least bit surprised.

    In an earlier post you mentioned E. Kemple being interested in mapping zoning, which the Cities Suburbs and Schools Project began to do in 2012,

    Have you considered linking this racial data to the zoning maps?

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