IPC Transition Plan

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The data I received came from a database of Pediatric Trauma Patients from 2007-2012 which is owned by Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. All the data that I have are either in Microsoft Excel format or Google Spreadsheet. Because a lot of information is confidential in the original data or easily identifiable, the original data set cannot be shown publicly. However, as long as it is de-identified , such as removing specific columns of data (ie. age, city/residency) data may be displayed.

All my graphs and visualization can be accessed through my github site here. As for the actual data, all my formatted data is on a Google Drive folder that is easily accessible with the visualizations as well.

Although these are simple charts, the formatting of the data may be useful for the future just in case a data visualization expert would want to create more sophisticated charts. Although I do not have the training in coding that is required for more complex visualizations, I feel like the ones I have now create potential ideas for future visualizations. However, complex visualization may not be necessary because there is still so much that can be visualized from the data set.  Just using Google Charts can be sufficient for creating more visualization that don’t require expertise in data visualization.