Transition Plan

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Currently, all of the visualizations I have made are GitHub repositories that can be forked (shared) with others. The repositories are titled as follows: CAPTMap, CMTMap, CAPTProficiencyChart, CMTProficiencyChart, and CohortChart. After creating a GitHub account, these repositories can be easily accessed by searching for my username marissablock23.

The underlying data was provided by Achieve Hartford and the data is already public. I did not make many changes to the data that AchieveHartford provided me, so they should easily understand my spreadsheet, though I cleaned it up a bit. I saved the data which as Google Spreadsheets and then created the maps using Google Fusion Tables. The maps are also available publicly entitled CAPT_Proficient and CMT_Proficient.

Finally, in terms of updating the visualizations for the future, one does not need to have a significant amount of coding experience to update the maps and charts. However, enhancing the visualizations will require more time and effort. With limited coding experience, I could not include some of the more interactive features that I would have liked to.