CT Kindergarten Map

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This map shows the locations of kindergartens in Connecticut. Though the schools are spread relatively evenly around the state, they rather concentrate in Hartford (109 out of 576). The Public Schools, marked as blue on the map, greatly outnumber the Regional Schools, which are marked red.  The source for the map was taken from the Eduction Directory on the Connecticut Open Data website.

My Partnership with Capital Workforce Partners

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I am Ngoc “Norah” Do, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science at Trinity College. I come from Hanoi, Vietnam. I’m interested in making mobile applications and willing to learn data visualization as well as web design.


In the DataViz seminar of Professor Dougherty, I’m going to work with Julie Geyer from the Capital Workforce Partners. The Capital Workforce Partners is aimed to create a skilled and vital workforce for the regional economy. We are going to create an interactive map, including a dropdown of static information and links to interactive graphs, of the region on the organization’s website.