Housing Mobility Map with CT Open Communities Alliance

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Open_Communities_AllianceOpen Communities Alliance is a new civil rights organization that promotes access to opportunity for all people through education, organizing, advocacy, research, and partnerships. Erin Boggs, executive director of CT OCA, began working on a “Housing Mobility Map” with Prof. Jack Dougherty at the Connecticut Inequality Hackathon in spring 2014, and Trinity students continued to assist her in summer 2014. Read more about what Jack learned by participating in his first hackathon.

The Housing Mobility Map (based on Derek Eder’s open-source template) allows families and housing counselors to enter the address of a possible apartment or house, view surrounding neighborhood assets, and evaluate the level of opportunity in that census tract, based on a recent report commissioned by the CT Fair Housing Center. To explore the current version of this tool, enter in the apartment or home you are considering here.

Click to explore the current version of the Housing Mobility Map.
Click to explore the current version of the Housing Mobility Map.