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Who Are We?

Department Staff:
Jeffrey Bayliss, Dept. Chair
Gigi St. Peter, Admin. Assistant
Blog Editors:
Brendan W. Clark ’21
Prof. Sean Cocco
Prof. Seth Markle
Prof. Luis Figueroa-Martínez
Campus Address:
Seabury Hall T–127
Postal Address:
History Department
Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Telephone & Fax:
Phone: (860) 297.2397
Fax: (860) 297.5111

Celebrating the life of Jack Chatfield

“Hartford, Conn. — After a long and spirited battle with prostate cancer and Parkinson’s disease, Jack died peacefully at home on Sept. 18, 2014 surrounded by a continuing stream of family and friends, comforted by the music and companionship he so adored. He never complained about his fate. His strong will to live, sense of humor, and generosity of spirit gave him incredible strength throughout his final journey.

Jack was born in Baltimore, Md. on July 20,1942, son of Dr. Paul Oakes Chatfield and Helen Taylor Chatfield. He graduated from Randolph Macon Academy in Front Royal, Va. in 1960 and from Trinity College in 1964. It was during his freshman year that his attention became riveted on the growing black student movement in the South. He became increasingly absorbed through news reports, speakers, and conversations with fellow students and when he learned that Trinity friend Ralph Allen had joined the movement and was badly beaten in Dawson, Ga., he left immediately for southwest Georgia. On his first night in Dawson he was injured by shotgun blasts fired by night riders into the house where he was staying. Jack’s involvement in the civil rights movement was passionate, inspirational, and lifelong.

Jack received his M.A. and PhD from Columbia University. From 1970-1978 he taught at the Watkinson School in West Hartford, Conn. In 1987 he began his teaching career at Trinity College which spanned 25 years until his retirement in 2012. Highlights at Trinity include the Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement in 1992, The Brownell Prize for Teaching Excellence in 2002 and organization of the SNCC conference – “We Shall Not Be Moved – The Life and Times of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee” in 1988, the first major reunion of SNCC members since the group disbanded in the 1960’s.

Jack leaves his wife of 45 years, Barbara; son, Jonathan of West Hartford; daughter and son in law Julia and Nir Levy of West Granby; grandchildren Zoe and Anya Chatfield and Mason Levy; his sister Lora from Bradford, VT who has been present for weeks providing priceless nursing and moral support; brother in law Alan Schneider in San Francisco Calif. and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Special thanks to VNA HealthCare and Jack’s wonderful hospice team.

Jack’s body will be donated for research and his ashes buried at Trinity. There will be a Celebration of Jack’s life at Trinity in the next few weeks. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Watkinson School or the Professor John H. Chatfield ’64 Scholarship Fund at Trinity College.”

Source: http://www.vnews.com/home/13640613-95/john-jack-h-chatfield

Procedures for 2014–2015 Senior Theses

Students writing senior theses in the History Department enroll in History 498-01 during the Fall semester. This course is a senior thesis research seminar taught by Prof. Darío Euraque, Chair of the Department. In the spring, students work independently to complete the researching and writing of an historical paper of up to 150 pages. A public presentation of the theses will take place in Seabury 215 on Thursday, May 1, 2014.

Senior Thesis Application Procedure

All juniors who would like to write a full-year senior thesis during the senior year must submit a thesis proposal. Applicants will be notified in writing of acceptance by the Department Chair by the end of the Spring semester. (more…)

Class of 2013 Senior Dinner in Photos


Faculty Honors List Fall Term 2012

In early February Interim Dean of Faculty Dr. Richard Prigodich sent out a list of undergraduate students who had been awarded Faculty Honors for teh Fall Term, 2012, which included 9 history majors. Congratulations to Kathleen McKenna, Michael Morus, Alex Stroud, Sabra Wilson, William Hering, Harry Lawrence, Maia Madison and Codyann Patrina.

Writing to Music, Vol. 1

Do you prefer to write to music? What music do you like to listen to when you write? Does playing music depend on where you are at in the writing process? Can you only listen to music without lyrics? These were the kinds of questions posed to both students and faculty in the History Department. The answers may very well surprise you, but you’ll have to listen to find out. Here is volume one (with more to come) and an insightful reflection provided by Prof. Bayliss on one of his favorite songs to write to: Miles Davis’ “All Blues” from the classic album Kind of Blue. Enjoy.

Volume 1 Playlist (Listen HERE)

Trinity Film Festival 2012

“The festival will be held on May 5th at the nationally acclaimed Cinestudio Theater (cinestudio.org) on the campus of Trinity College. For over 40 years, Cinestudio has promoted the art of film at Trinity and in the greater Hartford area. Adopting this same spirit, the Trinity Film Festival seeks to bring together student filmmakers from the northeast and all over the country to receive the opportunity to meet fellow filmmakers and to premier their works on the big screen in front of a packed audience. Whether enrolled at a university with a large film program or one with no film program at all, we encourage undergraduate students to make short films and enter for the chance to see their films premiered in Cinestudio. An eclectic panel of filmmakers, professors, celebrities, and film enthusiasts will judge the films and award cash prizes to the winners. Ultimately, the audience will have the opportunity to vote on the grand prize winner. After the festival screenings, a red carpet awards banquet will be held for all to attend. Food and festivities will commence as the judges deliberate on the awards, culminating in the awards ceremony and a Q&A with the judges.” For more information go HERE.

Deadline Approaching:Undergrad Research Grants from CUGS

“The Kenneth S. Grossman ’78 Global Studies Fund, established in honor of Professor Eugene E. Leach, supports student investigations of global issues that confront humankind in the 21st century.  Examples of such issues include human rights, peacekeeping, the preservation of the ecosphere, migrations and diasporas, international health standards, and the consequences of revolutionary advances in information technology and bioengineering. All students undertaking investigations in global issues for a Trinity course or under the supervision of a Trinity faculty member are eligible to apply for grants from the Grossman Fund to attend conferences, visit libraries, conduct fieldwork, or offset other research-related expenses. A faculty committee meets each year in April to evaluate applications, and to determine the amount of grants. The maximum grant in 2011 will be $1,000. Students awarded grants are expected to make use of their funding by September of the following year, or, in the case of seniors, by graduation, and to submit a report to the Center for Urban and Global Studies describing the activities made possible by the grant. All applications should be submitted to Anne Lundberg (anne.lundberg@trincoll.edu) at the Center for Urban and Global Studies by April 9, 2012.  The next round of grant competition will be held in April 2013.”

Go HERE for more information.