A Career in the AG’s Office – Matthew Beizer ’89


Interviewed by Sophia Gourley ’19


SG: What have you done since leaving Trinity?


MB: I took a gap year and spent time in San Diego, CA, then went to Quinnipiac Law School, and I’ve been with the Connecticut Attorney General’s office since then. I live in Simsbury with my wife and two kids.


SG: That seems to be the question, doesn’t? Go straight to law school or take a gap year?

MB: If you’re not a hundred percent certain that law school is what you want to do, and you can do it, take a gap year. Working a law firm in CA after Trinity reassured me that going to law school was what I wanted to do. When my daughter was applying to colleges, I encouraged her to think about taking a gap year and figure things out.


SG: What did you learn at Trinity that you think was helpful in your career?


MB: The general education I received was very helpful in that liberal arts sort of way. It shaped the way I do my job, and it taught me to be inquisitive, to think things through and analyze a question or a problem that’s important and relevant to what I do today.


SG: What were you involved in when you were at Trinity?


MB: I played golf, and I spent a year abroad in Scotland, which was awesome. Other than that, I was probably just a typical student.


SG: Why did you decide to do a full year in Scotland?


MB: It was an excellent school and an amazing opportunity. St Andrews in Scotland is the Holy Grail to golfers like me, and I could spend an entire year at the University of St Andrews. This was perfect for me, and it just happened to be a one-year program.


SG: What would you say is your proudest accomplishment since graduating from Trinity?


MB: I’d have to say my family. I have a great family with two great kids—one is going to Villanova in the fall and the other a high school freshman. They’re simply nice kids, well-rounded and smart and much more responsible than I was. I’m very proud of them.