Postage stamp shows Earth in orbit around Sun with a man-made object in Earth orbit.

Where Did Sputnik Get its Name?

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Postage stamp shows Earth in orbit around Sun with a man-made object in Earth orbit.

On October 5, 1957, the Soviet newspaper Pravda announced that the Soviet Union had launched a 184 pound object into Earth orbit. That first artificial satellite has since come to be known in the English-speaking world as Sputnik. In the West it is now widely assumed that the Soviets chose the word sputnik as the name for their satellite because it means “fellow traveler.” This is not what actually happened.

The world first learned of the launch from this brief report in Pravda. Though the story was printed on the front page above the fold, it ran under the bland headline “TASS Report”. A few dry paragraphs spoke of a long-standing dream in the scientific community about the possibility of creating “an artificial Earth satellite.” Only in paragraph three did they come to the point, stating that the Soviet Union has brought this dream to fruition. The article went on to give a few facts and figures about the new satellite and advice for viewing it or listening to its radio signals. No name for the satellite was mentioned.

Despite the fact that Pravda buried the lede, the announcement created an international sensation. Foreign papers repeated the announcement the same day in blaring full-width front page headlines. The next day, as Soviet leaders realized what a propaganda coupe this was, Pravda also dedicated the entire front page to coverage under the full-width headline “The World’s First Artificial Satellite of Earth Was Made in the Soviet Union!”. Articles above the fold included A Triumph of Soviet Science and Technology and The Most Impudent Dreams of Mankind Become Reality.

Today when we hear the word “satellite” we assume that a man-made object is meant, but in 1957 this needed to be made explicit. Up to then the word “satellite” primarily meant a natural satellites such the moons of Earth or Jupiter. The situation was similar in Russian. That is why Pravda had to spell out what was meant writing that this was an “artificial satellite of Earth”.

Because the concept of an “artificial satellite” had been purely theoretical and relatively obscure, there apparently was not yet a well-established term for such a device. For several days the Western press struggled with what to call it. In the first few days Pravda’s wordy “an artificial satellite of Earth” was used, but it was also called “the device” and even “the Red moon”. In Washington, a journalist named [can’t find the reference] was asked for suggestions for a less awkward description. He took the phrase искусcтвеyный спутник Земли (artificial satellite of Earth) from Pravda, kept only the key word, and left it untranslated: sputnik. The suggestion was soon widely adopted and Sputnik became the Western name of the Soviet satellite.

For several decades those writing about it in English continued to show awareness that Sputnik was an informal term for the spacecraft. For example, after the Soviet Union launched a second artificial satellite, an article in Scientific American discussed tracking them and included a graph with lines labeled Sputnik I and Sputnik II, but in the body of the article they were referred using translations of the Russian designations: The First Satellite and The Second Satellite.

“Sputnik” never attained the status of a proper name in Russian and probably never will since calling a sputnik “Sputnik” would be redundant and therefor silly. The Russian-language press continues to refer to Sputnik I simply as “the first artificial sputnik of Earth” (note the lower case) and to report on the launch of American sputniki.

So why do English speakers now believe that the Soviets named their satellite “Sputnik”? This misunderstanding seems to arise from the oft-repeated statement that sputnik means “fellow traveler”. This is taken to mean that the word sputnik was chosen as a fanciful name for the space craft. In reality what is being explained is the origin of the Russian word for astronomical satellites. The fanciful comparison was coined hundreds of years earlier to talk about moons. This confusion can be traced to an article in the New York Times of October 6, 1957 entitled Soviet ‘Sputnik’ Means A Traveler’s Traveler.

The English word “satellite” has a similar origin. It once meant an attendant of a person of importance. Imagine the confusion which could have occurred if the US had launched the first artificial satellite and neglected to name it. It is only a slight stretch to imagine the Soviet press writing, “the Americans named their sputnik Satellite which means ‘an entourage member’.”

In conclusion, the belief that the Soviets named their satellite Sputnik after the Russian word for “fellow traveler” is false even though that is the literal meaning of the word sputnik. They called it “sputnik” because that is the normal Russian word for satellite. Naming it “Sputnik” would have been silly. When they failed to name it at all the Western press stepped in and adopted the Russian word for satellite as its proper name in English.


4 thoughts on “Where Did Sputnik Get its Name?”

  1. I would like to add something:
    путь in Russian or път in (old and current) Bulgarian means road and is connected to ‘hobble’ where in Dutch ‘put’ means a hole, often in the road. Путь in Russian means even ‘way’.
    Путник in Russian or (‘putnik’) means a traveler or stranger. In Bulgarian the vowel is demped and пътник means the same as well as pilgrim, rider, passenger and so on.
    С in Cyrillic script is pronounced ‘s’ in Latin and means ‘with’ (longer form със in Bulgarian before a similar sounding consonant).
    So that is why спутник (Russian) or спътник (Bulgarian) became ‘with traveler’ in one word and means fellow traveler, sometimes second planet so like the moon because the moon is a traveler with the earth around the sun).

    This might provide us with a better comprehension about the word ‘sputnik’, without a capital letter indeed.

    Jean Marc Van Belle
    Жан Марк Вян Белл

  2. “Bland headline”, “Dry paragraphs”, “Only in paragraph three did they come to the point”, “Despite the fact that Pravda buried the lede”, “Soviet leaders realized what a propaganda coupe this was”, “Pravda also dedicated the entire front page to coverage under the full-width headline”.
    Love that liberal propaganda.

  3. What type of numerical designation did the Soviets give the sputniki, particularly the first — was it a Roman numeral ‘I’ or an Arabic ‘1,’ and did they hyphenate it, or was all of it also Western affectation? Maybe it varied.

  4. Within the Soviet space program the craft had the designation ПС-1 (Простейший Спутник-1, Minimal Satellite-1). Today in Russian it is sometimes called Спутник-1 (Satellite-1). This is the closest thing it has to a proper name.

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