Study Group

Who was in our study group?

This group of colleagues debated their own disciplines with each other in the context of a theoretical framework of systems science, with an emphasis on viable or self-organizing systems. They paid attention to physics, with its conservations of energy, mass, and momentum, to chemistry, with its making and breaking of bonds, and to general ‘input-output’ schemes. Emergence within each field was one of the last topics discussed.

Last active positions:

Dr. Richard Baum Professor of Political Science, UCLA

Dr. Frank L. Hassler Retired Director, Office of Transport & Information Resources, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Dr. Arthur S. Iberall  Researcher, University of California at Irvine

Dr. Rudolfo Llinás Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, New York University School of Medicine

Dr. William Mace ( Professor of Psychology Emeritus, Trinity College

Dr. Alexander Moore Professor of Anthropology, University of Southern California

Dr. Harold Soodak Professor Emeritus of Physics, City College of New York

Dr. Michael Turvey Professor of Psychology, Univesity of Connecticut

Dr. Douglas White Professor of Anthropology, University of California at Irvine

Dr. David Wilkinson Professor of Political Science, UCLA