Author Archives: Dave

Adventures of a Connecticut Yankee- A Trinity Student’s Experience at Oxford

Nichola Clark (’12) When I applied to study abroad at Oxford University, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into.  In fact, I was initially slightly concerned, because they don’t have a ‘Public Policy and Law’ undergraduate … Continue reading

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Trinity College Mock Trial Advances to National Championships

This weekend, Trinity Mock Trial competed at the Opening Round of National Championships. For the first time in the young team’s history, they have qualified to go to the final round, advancing ahead of teams such as Columbia, Yale, and Georgetown.

There are 642 mock trial teams in the country, 192 make it to the Opening Round, and only 48 teams compete in the Championship. This year, Trinity College is one of them.

The team’s captains, Zachary Green (’11) and Michael Galligan (’11), founded the team their freshman year. They dealt with a rocky start as a brand new program lacking a coach. The team’s rapid ascension is a testament to the dedication and skill of its members. On average, the team practices for over 15 hours per week.

Last year, Trinity shocked the mock trial community by qualifying both its A team and B team for ORCs. Though neither team advanced to the final round, it was a great learning experience and established Trinity as a serious program – even being termed by one Brandeis member as the “new blood in New England.”

This year, Trinity’s A team has taken it a step further by making it out of ORCs, and on to the final round being held in Iowa. Trinity advanced ahead of other 5-3 teams because of their strength of schedule- BU and Brown are established teams, both of whom have gone to nationals before. This weekend, Trinity took ballots from each. Continue reading

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How a Science Enthusiast Discovered Her True Passion, Environmental Policy

Nichola Clark (‘12) *This article is part of an ongoing series,”Why Declare PBPL?,” which highlights the diversity of the major through students’ own accounts. I am the type of person who makes lists—from grocery lists, to things-to-do tomorrow, to my … Continue reading

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Energy- Why Ethanol is Not the Solution

Allison Windham (’13) *This essay is the first installment of a Point-Counterpoint on Ethanol Just a few years ago, an outsider observing the U.S. never would have known that the world was running out of petroleum; Hummers roamed the highways, … Continue reading

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Concussions and CTE: Why Football May Be America’s Next Public Health Crisis

Michael Galligan (’11) In ancient Rome, within the walls of the Colosseum, gladiators would fight to the death in front of thousands of observers.  Crowds would boo and cheer, the mead flowed, and food was distributed.  The climax of these … Continue reading

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Extra! Extra! Policy Voice now available in print or online!

The first print issue of Policy Voice (published spring 2010) is now available right here on our blog! Just click on the ‘Newsletter Editions’ tab at the top of the page to view it.  If you prefer the real thing, … Continue reading

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