Author Archives: tdenson

Family Values

By Jack Nettleton ’13 We are fast approaching every political nerd’s favorite holiday, Election Day. I am one of those nerds – every major election I sit glued to the television.  Election Day is exciting, but not only because American … Continue reading

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Professor Mark Silk Featured in the Washington Post

Professor Mark Silk, the director of the Trinity College Program on Public Values who also teaches classes in the religion and public policy departments, was recently featured in an article in the Washington Post.  This spring semester, Professor Silk has … Continue reading

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In Times of Crisis: Communication is Key

Shaun Stuer (’13) As many of you know by now, the Trinity campus suffered an incredibly sad and serious incident in the early morning hours of Sunday March 4th.  A Trinity student, Chris Kenny, was attacked and beaten by a … Continue reading

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New Frontrunner Already in Trouble

Britney Ryan (’13) As the Republican debates continue, Mitt Romney has consistently been a frontrunner in the conservative polls. His position as a clear leader has been challenged recently by the emergence of Rick Santorum on the campaign trail. The … Continue reading

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Referendum Threatens To Undermine Marriage Protection Act in Maryland

Paige Greene (’13) On Friday February 24, 2012, my home state of Maryland passed the Civil Marriage Protection Act granting same-sex couples the same right to marriage as straight couples in Maryland. The House of Delegates passed the bill 72-67 … Continue reading

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“Pay Their Fair Share”: Reform America’s Corporate Tax Policy

Jack Nettleton (’13) While in high school, I attended a speech given by former Washington Governor Dan Evans. Evans, considered by political observers to be the most effective Governor in the state’s history, spoke about his support for increased funding … Continue reading

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