Category Archives: Current Events

New Frontrunner Already in Trouble

Britney Ryan (’13) As the Republican debates continue, Mitt Romney has consistently been a frontrunner in the conservative polls. His position as a clear leader has been challenged recently by the emergence of Rick Santorum on the campaign trail. The … Continue reading

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Referendum Threatens To Undermine Marriage Protection Act in Maryland

Paige Greene (’13) On Friday February 24, 2012, my home state of Maryland passed the Civil Marriage Protection Act granting same-sex couples the same right to marriage as straight couples in Maryland. The House of Delegates passed the bill 72-67 … Continue reading

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Why Greece Is Important

Alexis Maguina (’13) GREECE: The cradle of civilization; the homeland of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; a society with a ubiquitous architectural style that can be seen all over the world; the originators of democracy; And of course, the inspiration for … Continue reading

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Take 2 Aspirin, And I’ll E-Prescribe in the Morning

Naomi Sobelson (’12) Remember the last time you went to the bank after pay day so you would have money for the week? What is a “check,” you say? Modern American healthcare is going through the same transition of transferring … Continue reading

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“Pay Their Fair Share”: Reform America’s Corporate Tax Policy

Jack Nettleton (’13) While in high school, I attended a speech given by former Washington Governor Dan Evans. Evans, considered by political observers to be the most effective Governor in the state’s history, spoke about his support for increased funding … Continue reading

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Romney v. Gingrich

Britney Ryan (‘13) The battle of the political parties defines American democracy. Especially in recent years, the trend of greater partisanship at all levels of government has become an extremely prevalent force that permeates into an increasing number of groups. … Continue reading

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