Category Archives: Internships

Summer at the State House: Part I

By Sam Livingston ’14 This is the first installment of a two part piece on Sam’s summer internship.  Please check back tomorrow for Part II. This past summer I interned in the Office of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, working with … Continue reading

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Working the Election: A Student’s Experience

The following piece was written by Suzy Wang ’13, who took time off from Trinity in order to work as a field organizer in Colorado for President Obama’s reelection campaign. I was frustrated. I was sweaty.  I was over-caffeinated and … Continue reading

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Under Connecticut’s Golden Dome

Taylor Denson ‘13 This is the first installment of a weekly column on the Connecticut General Assembly. Last Wednesday, Governor Dannel Malloy of Connecticut stepped into the chamber of the House of Representatives at the state capitol and began his … Continue reading

Posted in Internships, Policy Voice Contributors | Leave a comment

Why I’m “In”

Suzy Wang (’13) These views are my own and do not reflect the views of my employers. Two months ago, if someone had told me I’d be graduating a semester late, I would have probably retaliated with a wisecrack and … Continue reading

Posted in "Why Declare PBPL?", Internships, On the Campaign Trail | Leave a comment

Fundraising Ain't Easy

Suzy Wang (’13) These views are completely my own and do not reflect the views of my employers. Ever since I can remember, my parents have told me that it’s impolite to ask for money.  In fact, I’m pretty sure … Continue reading

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