Category Archives: “Why Declare PBPL?”

A PBPL Experience in Paris

By Benito Solomon Fernandez ’14 My name is Benito Solomon Fernandez and I am a senior majoring in Public Policy and Law. I spent the spring semester of my junior year studying abroad with the Office of International Programs’ Trinity-in-Paris … Continue reading

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Mock Trial Finishes Strong at Semi-Finals

Another successful season has ended for the Trinity College Mock Trial Team, with a heavily competitive invitational season and an even more competitive season. Trinity was knocked out of the running to compete at this year’s American Mock Trial Association … Continue reading

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Why I’m “In”

Suzy Wang (’13) These views are my own and do not reflect the views of my employers. Two months ago, if someone had told me I’d be graduating a semester late, I would have probably retaliated with a wisecrack and … Continue reading

Posted in "Why Declare PBPL?", Internships, On the Campaign Trail | Leave a comment

How a Science Enthusiast Discovered Her True Passion, Environmental Policy

Nichola Clark (‘12) *This article is part of an ongoing series,”Why Declare PBPL?,” which highlights the diversity of the major through students’ own accounts. I am the type of person who makes lists—from grocery lists, to things-to-do tomorrow, to my … Continue reading

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