Earlier this spring, we asked 12 outstanding Trinity seniors to give us a glimpse into their lives by answering a few questions. Click on an image to read their responses to see what makes today’s top Bantams tick.


Abbey Schlangen

Constance Everett Ware Scholar Abbey Schlangen ’16

Forrest Robinette ’16

Forrest Robinette ’16

George A. Kellner ’64 Presidential Scholar Gregory Convertito ’16

George A. Kellner ’64 Presidential Scholar Gregory Convertito ’16

Raether Family Scholar Giselle Garcia ’16

Questbridge Scholar Jocelyn Redding

Mark C. Boulanger Memorial Scholar Michael Castellana ’16

Mark C. Boulanger Memorial Scholar Michael Castellana ’16

Frederick Walton Carpenter Scholar Shelby Labe ’16

Frederick Walton Carpenter Scholar Shelby Labe ’16

Helena K. and Elmer L. Smith Memorial Scholar Lucey Gagner ’16

Helena K. and Elmer L. Smith Memorial Scholar Lucey Gagner ’16

Michael A. Moraski ’72 Memorial Scholar Ian Robinson ’16

Michael A. Moraski ’72 Memorial Scholar Ian Robinson ’16

Lauren Davidson ’16

Lauren Davidson ’16

Karan Malik ’16

Karan Malik ’16

Raether Family Scholar Giselle Garcia ’16

Raether Family Scholar Giselle Garcia ’16

Posse Scholar Josh Frank ’16

Posse Scholar Josh Frank ’16