Along the Walk

the learning corridor
Hartford’s Learning Corridor, located across Broad Street from Trinity College, marked its 20th anniversary in 2020. Trinity was a key partner in developing the 16-acre complex, which houses four interdistrict public schools, including Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy. For more on the Learning Corridor, read an article that appeared in the Reporter Winter 2001 issue, and a more recent article by Jackie Mandyck, reflecting upon the success of the Learning Corridor.
Photo by Sarah McCoy


Settling in for Spring

Neuroscience Knowledge

Update on Campus Climate

Assaiante Named to Hall of Fame

Faculty Members Retiring

Beyond the Summit

Tech-Edge in Second Year

Volunteer Spotlight

Around Hartford

A Meeting that Saved Democracy

Newman Civic Fellow

Recent Publications

Berger-Sweeney on Luce Foundation Board

Trinity Treasure

NSF Grad Fellowship

Resilient River Turtles

We want to hear from you! The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at or Sonya Adams, Office of Communications, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.


Spring 2021 Trinity Reporter cover
On the Cover
Trinity’s new curriculum, which includes the introduction of a broad variety of credit-bearing co-curricular experiences and a wellness program, will go into effect in fall 2021 with the incoming Class of 2025.
Illustration by Stephanie Dalton Cowan

A new curriculum for a new century
Real-world experiences, wellness program to complement academic core

Compelling conversations
Virtual alumni events help community members stay in touch

Focus on fairness
Fay Stetz-Waters IDP’01 works to ensure Oregonians’ civil rights

‘Dancing Everywhere’
Performance project creatively tackles challenges brought by COVID-19

Empowered women empower women
Trinity’s Women’s Leadership Council energizes alumnae


Celebrating two centuries, looking ahead to our third

Joanne Berger-Sweeney
Photo by Julie Bidwell

One among many truly uplifting moments for me this semester was the enthusiastic response we received from our community to take part in planning Trinity College’s Bicentennial Celebration. More than 150 people volunteered or nominated someone to play a role in this effort. This outpouring was yet another sign of how proud we all are to be part of the Trinity community.

There is pride in the college’s long history, no doubt: When we mark our bicentennial in 2023, the college will have persisted through domestic and global conflict, the Great Depression, and not one but two global pandemics. And there is pride in the enduring relevance of the college and the importance of a Trinity education in advancing knowledge, cultivating leaders, and serving the public good. There is no better occasion than our bicentennial to celebrate our history, to lift up our values, and to set a course together for our third century.

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