IPC Transition Plan

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The data I received came from a database of Pediatric Trauma Patients from 2007-2012 which is owned by Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. All the data that I have are either in Microsoft Excel format or Google Spreadsheet. Because a lot of information is confidential in the original data or easily identifiable, the original data set cannot be shown publicly. However, as long as it is de-identified , such as removing specific columns of data (ie. age, city/residency) data may be displayed.

All my graphs and visualization can be accessed through my github site here. As for the actual data, all my formatted data is on a Google Drive folder that is easily accessible with the visualizations as well.

Although these are simple charts, the formatting of the data may be useful for the future just in case a data visualization expert would want to create more sophisticated charts. Although I do not have the training in coding that is required for more complex visualizations, I feel like the ones I have now create potential ideas for future visualizations. However, complex visualization may not be necessary because there is still so much that can be visualized from the data set.  Just using Google Charts can be sufficient for creating more visualization that don’t require expertise in data visualization.



A11: Transition Plan for Park Watershed Data

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The tools I have been using for my data visualization are all public and can be found online. As of right now, I am the owner of the graphs and tables I’ve made. However, by creating a Gmail account, anyone can access the Google Fusion and Wizard tables. I would simply have to share it with anyone who wishes to view or edit any changes. Organizations and non-profits, such as the Park River Watershed, could easily create an general account, which would make things easier and more convenient when handling data changes and switching over to who has accessibility to update it.

I also received sample data of the ‘interdistrict’, ‘district’, and ‘more Pre-K centers’ from Professor Jack Dougherty who retrieved this data from SmartChoices. From this website, one can distinguish between the different types of SmartChoices schools around the Hartford area region further.

Finally, I created data visualization through GitHub repositories, which can be easily found by searching my username: slo2293. Data and HTML coding here can be forked with other users and updated through Java Script. Jack has also created a wonderful tutorial for first time users to understand here in his Data Visualization WordPress. Though coding is not for everyone, there are other files one can search for to tweak for their liking.

Overall, the data and tools that I worked with were all pretty standard in terms of difficulty of accessing or understanding things. GitHub and Google Drive are public sites for anyone to create an account, and the SmartChoices descriptions are all public.

Transition Plan

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The data I used to create my visualization was simply found on the internet. These useful locations and points in West Hartford can be changed and others can be added or removed. The goal and intention was simply to find useful resources for children 8 and under. This visualization show’s these location in the West Hartford boundary.

I imagine a map such as mine can be used or maps that are specifically used for solely one of the types of locations. Such as a map of only day cares or dental care.

I first used google fusion tables that can be located through this link.

Polygon data

Point data

And finally I used github to create the two layer map, that can be found here.

Transition Plan Ed Studies

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I write this with the intent to create the most seamless transition possible from me working with data visualizations to not working with data visualizations, and to help integrate what I’ve created into your future powerpoint slides, and lesson plans.

Fortunately, all the visualizations and graphs I’ve been working on are sourced with html code, which means they will be easily embedded onto any web based page you need them to be. I believe it would be best to use the iframe plugin in most instances to do this most effectively, which instructions are posted for here: http://epress.trincoll.edu/dataviz/chapter/embed-iframe/

I believe all URL’s for my visualizations are openly available as well, and from this can be simply embedded via iframe.

Additionally, since all the html code for my visualizations are publicly available, they can be easily forked, edited and hosted to update, or change for any other applicable lesson plans. A simple intuitive version as to how one may edit an html file to insert appropriate data can be found here: https://github.com/JackDougherty/gviz-scatter-series/blob/master/index.html,(lines beginning with // represent instructions as to how to properly modify).

I hope to meet with you in the next few weeks to finalize how to properly meet your future data visualization needs. That being said, I hope the instructions presented here are a good start.

