Home » Events » Photos: Prof. Greenberg’s Day in a Wheelchair

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Jeffrey Bayliss, Dept. Chair
Gigi St. Peter, Admin. Assistant
Blog Editors:
Brendan W. Clark ’21
Prof. Sean Cocco
Prof. Seth Markle
Prof. Luis Figueroa-Martínez
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Seabury Hall T–127
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History Department
Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106
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Photos: Prof. Greenberg’s Day in a Wheelchair

On December 5, 2012, Professor Greenberg of the History Department was one of twenty-five members of the Trinity College community who spent “A Day in a Wheelchair”. According to one source: “The aim of this project was to experience what it was like to have a mobility impairment. The idea originated with Kristin Duquette ’13, a human rights major. According to Duquette and Sean Snyder ’13, who is also a human rights major and an organizer of the event, “A Day in a Wheelchair” was designed to be an empowering and positive experience while shattering the stereotype of what it’s like to be wheelchair-bound. The goal was for members of the campus community to become aware of the accessible routes on campus and realize that having a disability doesn’t impair one’s contributions.”

For more photos go HERE.

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