Home » Latin American History » History major Alex Stroud ’13 Creates Belt Company in South America

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History major Alex Stroud ’13 Creates Belt Company in South America

By:Jackie Sanders ’14 for The Trinity Tripod

“In July 2011, Alex Stroud ’13 launched an Argentinean-inspired belt company with his brother that has grown into a multi-accessory high end brand. Stroud’s company, La Matera, is perfect for Trinity students. The belts come in a variety of colors and each one has an individual look. If described in one word, La Matera would be “tribal.” Stroud first found inspiration for his belts when he travelled to Argentina in 2008. After his sophomore year at Trinity, Stroud went back to Argentina to work on a ranch about 18 hours south of Buenos Aires. Alone on the ranch with plenty of time to think, Stroud began to realize he should bring Argentinean style back home. He believed that if he improved the quality and design of belts already sold in Argentina, he could successfully sell them in America where they are not available. Soon after, he proposed this idea to the guachos working on the ranch.

These South Americans had been making belt patterns for hundreds of years and didn’t understand the large amount of potential at first. However, intrigued by an enthusiastic American telling them their product would be profitable up north, they sat down and began brainstorming. Stroud and his companions decided on the name “La Matera” because it represented the roots of where their ideas began: in a room on old Argentine farms where workers sat around a fire, drinking their traditional Maté tea. Stroud connected with his older brother Brook, a recent University of Richmond graduate, who immediately loved the idea. Stroud argues that it’s crucial to go into business with someone you trust, are very close with, but most importantly share a similar vision with. He then worked on the project throughout his entire junior year at Trinity. At one point, he flew down to Argentina to meet with fabric suppliers and potential manufacturers. While Stroud initially tried having the belts manufactured in Buenos Aires, he had difficulty reaching the high end quality that both boys envisioned. They then switched to their current location, partnering with a leatherworks shop in New England.

Read the entire article HERE.

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