Home » Research » Senior Thesis 2013 Presentations

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Department Staff:
Jeffrey Bayliss, Dept. Chair
Gigi St. Peter, Admin. Assistant
Blog Editors:
Brendan W. Clark ’21
Prof. Sean Cocco
Prof. Seth Markle
Prof. Luis Figueroa-Martínez
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Seabury Hall T–127
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History Department
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Senior Thesis 2013 Presentations

Thesis Writers & their Advisors

On Thursday, May 2nd,four history senior thesis writers presented their research findings to the department. Also in attendance were retired distinguished history professors Painter and Chatfield. The presentations were moderated by Michael Lestz, Chair, and Prof. Cocco, faculty thesis supervisor.

In order of appearance:

Francis Russo started things off with “Sonic Experience in Early American Religious Revival” (Advisors: Wickman, Gac).

Emma Sternlof, “History, Language, and Power: James Hammond Trumbull’s Native American Scholarship” (Advisor: Wickman, Miller)

Kathleen McKenna, “Education and Identity: Dr. Maria Montessori’s Pedagogical Reception in the United States ” (Advisors: Cocco, Kete)

Daniel Morgan, “From Loca Remotissima to Terra Sancta: Jerusalem and Latin Christendom in the Era of the Crusader States” (Advisors: Elukin, Cocco)

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