Home » Events » Trinity Convocation 2013

Who Are We?

Department Staff:
Jeffrey Bayliss, Dept. Chair
Gigi St. Peter, Admin. Assistant
Blog Editors:
Brendan W. Clark ’21
Prof. Sean Cocco
Prof. Seth Markle
Prof. Luis Figueroa-Martínez
Campus Address:
Seabury Hall T–127
Postal Address:
History Department
Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Telephone & Fax:
Phone: (860) 297.2397
Fax: (860) 297.5111

Trinity Convocation 2013

The 187th Commencement of Trinity College took place on Sunday, May19th. Over 20 students received undergraduate degrees in History. In addition, Professors Antrim, Bayliss and Kassaw of the History Department won prestigious awards for their research, scholarship and teaching. Professors Antrim and Bayliss were awarded the Charles A. Dana Research Award while Professor Kassaw was this year’s recipient of the Thomas Church Brownell Prize for Teaching Excellence. Congratulations to all graduating seniors and honored faculty.

For more photos:

History major Juan Hernandez
Professors Wade (Philosophy) & Bayliss (History)
Professor Kassow (History)
Commencement speaker Bridget M. McCormack
History major Francis Russo
History major Daniel Morgan
Prof. Markle & History major Colin Greaney
Professors Bayliss & Antrim
Prof. Kassow & President Jones

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