Current Research: We are recruiting!

We are recruiting students who have a prescription for a stimulant medication like Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, or Ritalin to learn more about their experiences in college. Access our study’s screening survey here: to see if you are eligible to participate. If you don’t take a prescribed stimulant medication, we would still encourage you to pass along the link to friends who may be interested in participating.

Study participation is completely remote. It will involve one Zoom session lasting approximately 90 minutes in which you will complete an online survey and view a web-based presentation; brief 1- and 2- month online check-ins lasting approximately 10 minutes each; and two online follow-up surveys 3 and 6 months after the Zoom session, each lasting approximately 45 minutes. You can earn up to $100 in e-gift cards for participating.