Peer Mentoring Research

Our lab completed three studies on peer mentors at Trinity College from 2011-2015. See below for the publications resulting from each study:


Holt, L.J., & Berwise, C.A.* (2012). Illuminating the process of peer mentoring: An examination and comparison of peer mentors’ and first-year students’ experiences. Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 24, 19-43.

*Clifton A. Berwise, Trinity graduate, Class of 2011


Holt, L.J., & Lopez, M.J.* (2014). Characteristics and correlates of supportive peer mentoring: A mixed methods study. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 22, 415-432.

*Melva J. Lopez, Trinity graduate, Class of 2014


Holt, L.J., & Fifer, J.E.* (in press). Peer mentor characteristics that predict supportive relationships with first-year students: Implications for peer mentor programming and first-year student retention. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice.

*James E. Fifer, Trinity graduate, Class of 2014