In 2015, I collaborated with my thesis student Katherine Rorer, two Research Assistants (Paige Marut, Class of 2017 and Asia Wells, Class of 2017), as well as with colleagues at Towson University, to conduct a study on the effects of relationship education. Katherine was trained in the delivery of a cognitive-behavioral relationship skills intervention (PREP), co-facilitated the group discussions, and assisted with the writeup of the study. Our keys findings were:
- Students who participated in four discussion groups or a self-administered online intervention focused on the enhancement of their relationship skills (e.g., communication, adaptive relationship beliefs, etc.) evidenced healthier relationship beliefs, and more thoughtful decision making
- Students who were in a relationship during the intervention and who participated in the group discussion became more attuned to their partners’ needs over time
Holt, L. J., Mattanah, J. F., Schmidt, C. K., Daks, J. S., Brophy, E. N., Minnaar, P. Y., & Rorer, K.* (2016). Effects of relationship education on emerging adults’ relationship beliefs and behaviors. Personal Relationships, 23(4), 723-741.
*Katherine Rorer, Trinity graduate, Class of 2015.