History of Psychology [Psych 314]

History of Psychology
Psychology 314

Fall 2017

[Last revised December 4,  2017]

This is an ADVANCED course if taken for the Psychology Major. For the course to count as an advanced course in the major, you need to have had the prerequisites — 5 courses in psychology.  This is a Writing Intensive Course

William M. Mace
Office: Life Sciences 217
Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 2:00 pm-3:30 pm

and especially by Appointment

Contact —  E-Mail: william.mace@trincoll.edu
Personal Website

Required Reading

All online

Resource Reading

Hilgard, Ernest R. (1987). Psychology in America: A Historical Survey.   On reserve in the library.  You should get to the library as soon as possible to get familiar with what you can find in this book.   One of the best resources for your paper.  As a bonus, I have made a copy of the huge list of references and now give you a link to that.

Resources for History of Psychology  Also on Menu tab at top of page.
Expanded History of Psychology Reading List.  Also on Menu tab at top of page.

Course Work

Grades will be based on written work and class participation. Class participation 15%, Quizzes 25%, and 60% written work (semester project).

Class participation will be based on attendance, your willingness to talk in class, and performance on the full range of assignments that I’ll call “homework.”

Scheduled quizzes may be necessary to make sure you are keeping up.


Your main written work for the semester will be a series of papers on a topic drawn from our series of suggestions. These really will be successive stages of one paper, but each stage will require a serious effort and will be graded.

Our list of possible paper topics

The assignments and dates due are these:

Due Date: September 21.  The first paper topic should be selected.
Due Date: October 12. The Full Proposal plus complete bibliography to be turned in. 10% of final grade.
Due Date:November 9. The First Full Draft of the paper is due. 10% of Final Grade
Due Date:November 30. Second draft of paper due. 15% of Final Grade.
Due Date:December 19 Final Draft of Paper Due. 25% of Final Grade.


Finishing the course Last Day of Classes
Finishing the cognitive revolution — Piaget and cognitive development
Lab vs “Real World”


Quiz I Oct. 3 5%
Quiz II Oct. 19 5%
Quiz III Nov. 2 5%
Quiz IV Nov. 14 5%
Quiz V  Nov. 30 5%

Schedule of Classes

Class 1
September 5
Our course “map” If you don’t see this open, check your Downloads and open in Excel.

Timeline for history of the earth
Animated timeline. With commercials.

See Moodle for assigned article for Thursday discussion. 

Questions to answer for Thursday class –due on Moodle Wednesday night 10 pm

Notice in the column to the left (middle column) that you have TWO assignments to complete before Thursday’s class:  (1)  Answering the short set of questions linked there, and (2) Reading the “sample” history issue article by Diehl on Moodle.

Introduction to the course. 

Class 2
September 7
Reading for class discussion: Diehl on Moodle. Discussion of questions submitted last night

Discussion of model paper about issues in history of psychology. 

 Class 3
September 12
  Discussion of questions submitted last Wednesday night

Discussion of model papers about issues in history of psychology. 


 Class 4
September 14
Weimer — Plato and Chomsky Psycholinguistics and Plato’s Paradoxes of the Meno. American Psychologist, 1973, 28, 15-33.

Proof in Meno with diagrams;
Numbers as shapes

Read: Aristotle’s Psychology

Aristotle’s 4 ’causes’


Plato and Aristotle
 Class 5 September 19
Review to now

Required reading:General remarks introducing Kuhn by Kentucky Professor

Kuhn Summary

Today’s topic is Philosophy of Science


 Class 6 September 21 Karl Popper as background for Kuhn.

Meditation 1

Meditation 2*

Meditation 6

Discourse on Method, Part 4.*

* Added to include key Descartes phrase –“I think therefore I am” in English.  “Cogito ergo sum” in Latin.

Begin Descartes — who else was a rationalist?

Rationalism, Mechanism, Mind-Body dualism

Deadline for paper topic selection

 Class 7 September 26 See Moodle for brand new article on Descartes  

Locke intro

Tabula rasa entry in Wikipedia is good

British empiricism 1

Primary and secondary qualities

 Class 8 September 28  Hume Treatise of Human Nature. Book I, Part IV, Section 2.  Locke — Berkeley — Hume

Review — key phrases associated with thinkers.

Class 9 October 3  Quiz 1

Overview of Hume

Kant and Psychology

Kant notes

Class 10 October 5 One of many places to find Newton’s 3 laws of motion 

Good Kant intro

Kant’s Prolegomena

Summary of Kant’s argument in Critique of Pure Reason


Oct. 9-10 Trinity Days WORK ON PAPERS

Class 11 October 12 Read paper about Thomas Reid on Moodle

Reid’s “Faculties”

Paper on phrenology by Bakan on Moodle.

Fowler phrenology diagram         Fowler title page      Fowler scored page William Hamilton against phrenology.

Last day to withdraw from classes

Thomas Reid — Known for “Scottish common sense realism” and “faculty” psychology.

Full 500 word Proposal plus complete bibliography Due


Class 12 October 17
Wozniak on mind and brain Read: Sections II and III

Outline from Boring

Look ahead to Francis Crick’s Astonishing Hypothesis. One review.


“Brain” people. Note Gall, then Fechner, Helmholtz, Müller

Psychology “proper”
Class 13 October 19 Quiz 2


October 22 is Fechner Day!

Fechner Day 2017

Read: Introduction to Wundt’s major work by Rob Wozniak

Trinity College Mid Term is Oct. 23.  In other words, you are half way through the semester.
 Class 14 October 24 Overview of Wundt


Wundt intro in the Classics


Helmholtzian color mixing

Wundt related words:  consciousness, introspection, sensation, elements (chemistry), apperception, physiological psychology; experimental psychology; stimulus error (Titchener).


Class 15 October 26 G. Stanley Hall’s interpretation of the history at the time.
Darwin, James and Functionalism
Class 16
October 31
  • Darwin Introduction (pages 1-4), and “The Struggle for Existence” (Ch. 3)
 First full draft of paper due a week from Thursday!
Class 17 November 2 Quiz 3

Galton-Cattell notes

James McKeen Cattell on “Mental” testing


Cattell descendant

“Real” IQ testing — Binet, Terman.  Mental age, Chronological age, IQ.  Problems?

 Galton on prayer — go to galton.org. Click on “collected works” in yellow on blue menu bar. Then, 6 lines down, click on “lists of published works.” Then, in the journal column, find the paper in 1872.

Remember Galton for “Nature vs. Nurture.”

Cattell follows Galton

Class 18
November 7
Class highlights of James



 Class 19
November 9 and Class 20 November 14
James material repeated


Quiz 4

Watson Introduction

Watson Commentary

Watson classic

History of Watson acceptance

First full draft of paper due

Pavlov Watson   Hull  Skinner

Watson as obvious heir of Locke.  See also the Wikipedia page on John B. Watson

Freud and Clinical Psychology
 Class 21
November 16

Morton Prince 

Freud and Clinical Psychology

Freud and Jung at Clark

Fancher on Clark meeting

Clark 1909 photo

Clark photo key

Japanese in Clark photo

Witmer –– First clinic; Kraeplin (Wundt also); Zilboorg  — Medical psychology, IOL

Institute of Living

Boulder Model  — see paper on Moodle

Psychology and Psychoanalysis — see paper on Moodle by Hornstein, “Return of the Repressed.”

Women in Psychology
 Class 22
November 21
  Read:Furumoto & Scarborough 1986

Women in U.S. psychology [APA]

Capshew & Laszlo 1986

Eleanor Gibson — Trin

African Americans in Psychology
 Class 23
November 28
Women continued 


Full length paper on Sumner


Classic reference —Even the Rat was White by Robert V. Guthrie 

African Americans in psychology — G. Stanley Hall again.

Sumner => Kenneth and Mamie Phipps Clark

Gestalt Psychology
 Class 24
November 30
Quiz 5

Read:Intro from our Classics set

Classics collection on Gestalt psychology

Michael Bach displays that include many Gestalt effects.

Gestalt “Family Tree” from Barry Smith


 Henle– Gestalt therapy is NOT Gestalt psychology
Behaviorism and the Cognitive Revolution
 Class 25
December 5
Guiding notes for today’s class

Guide to this section

Woodworth — Psychological Review, 50, 1943,  10-32

Kendler — “Blind Alley” ?

Readings from Baars, The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology,  are on Moodle site.  Read:  Chapters 4 and 5 and the interviews with Jenkins and Chomsky.

NY Times obit for Jerry Fodor

The Woodworth paper is to keep us “honest.”  What are MOST psychologists doing?  Variety.
 Class 26
December 7
Continuing section guide
Finishing the course

Final Paper Due Tuesday December 19 (scheduled Final Exam Day)