Author Archives: Gary Reger

Interested in Teaching Latin?

Summer has arrived! At Southern Teachers we spend the summer continuing to help schools find great teachers, and help our candidates find great jobs.

The private/independent schools we work with are still hiring Latin teachers for the 2016-17 academic year! If you know of recent graduates or alumni who are looking for a job, have strong content knowledge, and the potential for making a difference in the lives of young people, please encourage them to complete our online application or just forward this email to them. And remember, they do not need a teaching license or an education major to be successful in independent schools.

As you know, Southern Teachers has been placing teachers in positions at private/independent K-12 schools since 1902. Currently, we work with over 600 schools from Maryland to Miami and west to Midland, TX. The best part? We are a free service to the teacher candidates. Can’t beat that!

If you have questions, please feel free to call or email me. You can also read more about Southern Teachers here.


Abby Hall
Director of College Recruitment
(434) 295-9122

Trinity College Graduation 2016 — Classics Rules!

A cloudy, chilly start to Trinity College graduation ceremonies on Sunday, May 20, did nothing to

Grad 2016 Sign

Grad 2016 Sign

quell the enthusiasm of students, parents, relatives, faculty, and staff who had gathered to send off yet another class of newly-minted Trinity alumni. The sky cleared just as President Joanne Berger-Sweeney was giving her charge to the graduates, and a bright, warm sun shone on the traditional “tent city” on the lawn below the Chapel, where everyone gathered to celebrate and say good-byes.

Jami Cogswell

Jami Cogswell

Darcy Cogswell

Darcy Cogswell

This year Classics majors took the two top spots in the class: valedictorian Jami Cogswell (who also graduated with honors in Classics) and her sister salutatorian Darcy Cogswell garnered the top GPAs in the Class of 2016. They looked splendid in their Eta Sigma Phi swag — yellow and purple cords and a gold sash — and their valedictorian and salutatorian sashes. WFSB, the local CBS affiliate, ran a story on Jami and Darcy.

Besides Jami, three other Classics majors took honors in Classics: Dimitri Adamidis, Kate Giddens, and Julia (“Cheeky”) Herr. Jessica Rudman (who wrote an amazing senior seminar paper but didn’t do a year-long thesis, and so wasn’t eligible for honors; the same was the case with Darcy) also graduated with a BA in Classics.

For Jami, summer plans include teaching at a rock-climbing school, with a year off before applying to grad school in Classics; Darcy, who loves the sea, will be off sailing. Dimitri is starting a post-bac program at the University of Connecticut before dental school; Jessica will be studying dentistry at the UConn. Cheeky’s looking for work in New York City, while Kate, who plans on attending medical school, will take a CPR course and then is off for a year teaching English in Denmark.

Julia ("Cheeky") Herr

Julia (“Cheeky”) Herr

Kate Giddens

Kate Giddens

Dimitri Adamidis

Dimitri Adamidis

Jessica Rudman

Jessica Rudman

Everyone in the Classics Department joins in congratulating our 2016 graduates. We are very proud of them and wish them the very best in their future endeavors — about which we hope they will keep us informed!

In the meantime, though, we wish them all a happy, relaxing summer. They’ve earned some downtime after four years of hard work and remarkable accomplishments!

Crowds at Tent City

Crowds at Tent City

Classics Majors Recognized at Trinity College Honors Day

Dylan Ingram

Dylan Ingram

Matt Reichelt

Matt Reichelt

Darcy Cogswell

Darcy Cogswell

Mary Bennewitz

Mary Bennewitz

Jami Cogswell

Jami Cogswell

Lydia Herndon

Lydia Herndon

Kelcie Finn

Kelcie Finn

Friday, May 6, 2016, at its annual Honors Days, Trinity College celebrated students receiving honors and awards. Seven current Classics majors, including two seniors, one junior, three sophomores, and one first-year, received awards and honors, Jami Cogswell, ’16, shared the College’s highest award, the Trustee Award for Student Excellence and also picked up the James Goodwin Greek Prize, which she shared with Matt Reichelt, ’17. Darcy Cogswell, ’16, and Lydia Herndon, ’18, shared the Melvin W. Title Latin Prize. Dylan Ingram, ’18, won the Rev. Paul H. Barbour Prize in Greek; Kelcie Finn, ’18, received the James A. Notopoulos Latin Prize; and Mary Bennewitz, ’19, won the John C. Williams Prize in Greek. In addition, Darcy took from the History Department the George B. Cooper Prize in British History.

The Classics Department at Trinity College is delighted to celebrate and honor the academic excellence of its majors, and we congratulate each on his/her accomplishments!

What Do You Do With a Classics Major? Maybe Make the Cover of the Washington Post Magazine

Sally Steponkus, Classics major and Trinity graduate 1998, runs a design firm called Sally Steponkus Interiors. Her designs were featured in a recent issue of the Style section of the Washington Post! (The cover’s below.) On her website she writes: “A semester in Rome, Italy inspired her love of Classical Art and Architecture, from which she draws much of her design style. She describes her work as updated traditional – classic with a unique twist.”Stephanie Wash Post Cover

Where in the world will Classics take you?Sally Steponkus Roche

National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week Is Coming Up!

So you love Latin? You’ve been taking it ever since you got to college — and maybe in high school, too. As Commencement approaches, perhaps the fear is mounting: What will I do when I can’t do Latin anymore?

Never fear! March 7-11 is National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week! High schools are looking for dedicated lovers of Latin to introduce the next generation of students to the joys of learning the language of Vergil and Livy. You can share your own love of Latin and get paid to do it!

You can find information and links, including job postings, on the website of the National Committee for Latin and Greek.

What Do You Do With a Classics Major? Ask Stephanie!

3053788-inline-i-1-stylehaul-ceo-stephanie-horbaczewskiStephanie Horbaczewski graduated from Trinity College in 2000 with a BA in Classical Civilization. A few years later she founded StyleHaul and got into social storytelling. Last year a European company bought StyleHaul for more than $100 million. Read all about Stephanie’s career and her advice on social storytelling in a recent issue of Fast Company.

Where will your Classics degree take you?

The Library of Herculaneum



Everyone knows ancient Pompeii was buried in the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Less familiar to many is its neighbor Herculaneum, buried at the same time. (The archaeological site of Herculaneum, not far from Pompeii, is less visited and, for some, more interesting and intimate.) One of the buildings archaeologists have uncovered was called the Villa dei Papiri because it contained hundreds of scrolls constituting an ancient library, including lost works by Epicurus and other philosophers. The latest issue of The New Yorker contains a fascinating article on new efforts to read these scrolls: The Invisible Library.