Angelica Parker

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Angelica Parker is a strong student who has excelled academically for her entire high school career. During high school even through hardship, she has always been focused on her academics, which has resulted in her being a honor student in a range of subjects. Although this girl is adamant about making the most of her education, she is also a competitive swimmer as well as a volunteer. Her time as a volunteer fits constantly between programs for youth, math tutoring and the Walk for Breast Cancer. In addition, when her mother was suffering from a rare unnamed disease and had to leave her children for treatment, Angelica  filled in and took care of all her mother’s responsibilities while going through with the norm of her life. She is a mature, devoted student with promise. In contrast, she describes herself as a procrastinator occasionally puts off her work and then feels the pressures of deadlines.

Because of her strengths as an individual i think that Angelica Parker should be admitted to the college.