Rosa Martinez

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Rosa Martinez is a Mexican American from San Antonio, Tx who is in the top 6% of her class at Jackson High School. She has a 3.8 GPA, a score 3 on her AP English Language exam, a 1910 SAT score and a few extra curricular activities like editor in chief for the yearbook and the class secretary for the students government. She also has awards/honors like Most Valuable Member of the Yearbook Staff and has received High Honors her whole high school career.

Rosa would be a great addition to the Trinity Community in the academics as well as community wise. Her teachers and guidance counselor described her as hard worker who “strives to succeed but is not overbearing”. “She values the opinions of others and is enthusiastic about everything she does”. Even though her parents went through a divorce during her freshman and sophomore year which was an extremely rough time for Rosa, she still managed to keep up her grades which shows determination and the ability to never give up.