Samuel Gottlieb

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After reviewing Samuel Gottlieb’s college application, it is clear that his strengths, both in and out of the classroom vary.  He attended Chicago Hebrew Academy where he quickly learned to speak in Hebrew.  His travel experience and skills in the languages will be beneficial when he pursues his intended major, International Studies.  He is described as motivated, active, confident, and receptive to constructive criticism by his professors and college counselor, which makes him seem to be a good addition to an incoming freshman class at The College.  Although it is mentioned that he did not take on a difficult class schedule, he earned excellent grades and demonstrates the potential to handle a more challenging curriculum in college.  He was the captain of the basketball and soccer teams, and even though he was injured during his final basketball season, he never felt defeated.  He was persistent in the healing process and eventually went on to bring his soccer team to a successful season.  He now has an athletic award named after him.  Finally, he travelled to Mexico and was inspired to increase civic awareness amongst his peers by creating a student organization called Students Taking Action.  Samuel is passionate about sports, his student organization and his dedicated to his education.  Samuel would make an excellent addition to any college he attends, but I think he should be waitlisted due to limited enrollment, lack on an interview, and his class schedule that could have been more challenging.