Lisa Wu

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I believe that Lisa Wu should be put on the Waitlist for The College. Lisa seems to be well rounded with adequate grades but her interview was not impressive. She lacked the exuberance that she seemed to convey in school that was stated in her recommendations. She seemed to lack the qualities of a leader. But this does not mean Lisa is not worthy of The College, I believe that she has potential and just needs a bit of a push toward the right direction. To give her the benefit of the doubt she may have been nervous but the interviewer stated, “I do not think Lisa would stand out and can be an exceptional leader/student at [Trinity]. I do however think she could handle [Trinity] from an academic standpoint just fine”. This information seemed to contradict many of the statements given by her teachers such as, “maturity beyond her years”, “natural curiosity”, “and charismatic leader “,” strong-willed determination to succeed”.  It was disconcerting to hear that Lisa did not quite live up to expectation but she seems to have potential and I believe there is no real cut off for potential but a dotted line, where she still has a chance.