Sean Meekins and Stephen Whitman

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As members of the admissions committee we have devised a process to cut down the list to seven students left with one of those seven (Paula Nunez) being strongly admitted.  We did a point system in which we gave a point to each category we felt was required.  For every applicant with two points or higher we decided to allow them to be accepted (with the exception of two). The Dean of Diversity called for more minority students so we gave each minority a point.  Then the Athletic Director felt that it was important to mention that the basketball and soccer coaches recommended two students. Although we gave the swimmers a point, the swimming coach did not ask for names to be forwarded; therefore, we kept Christopher Clarke on the waitlist. Daniel Juberi was another student who, although he plays basketball, was a member with two points who didn’t meet the criteria’s in the sense of his academics.  Although Caitlin Quinn has not met the academic standards the Vice President of Developments letter weighs heavily on the decision, so therefore we decided to give a point to the students who have been recommended, due to alumni, by higher order officers. We gave a point to those students who the board felt should be admitted during our class discussion. Finally we took the top six SAT scores and gave a point to those students who we felt achieved above average with their scores. Although we didn’t cut down the list to only three students, we have managed to cut the list down to seven. This will hopefully allow us to cut down to our final three soon enough.