Charles’ first proposal

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Race is a topic that continues to come up at Trinity. Whether it is being talked about in the class room or at a lunch table in Mather, every student has heard of racial issues on campus. Race is brought to the front of everyones mind the very first day a student steps on campus, the Pride program makes sure of that, but making ever student aware that race is an issue from the start is a mistake. Race is a problem in a social aspect at Trinity, but there are a number of ways to fix it.

The college should instead have everyone arrive on the same day so everyone of different races mix with each other, rather then the minorities arriving first and forming groups with just minority students. There has also been a lot of talk recently about doing away the fraternities for cultural houses instead. Cultural houses exist already on campus, but very few people who are not of the culture of the house do not every visit them. The cultural house should instead open up on Saturday night in a similar way the fraternities do, and allow students from every race come and socialize.

After the incidents of last Spring our campus was divided, and it seemed like it was almost a race battle between the minorities and the white students. Instead of bringing to light everything that make us different the school should instead try to remind us of how similar we all are. There is bound to be another incident where a student make a regrettable decision, or says something racial, that is the reality at every college, but this one students views do no represent the views of the students on Trinity.