Paula Nunes

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“Enthusiastic, energetic, athletic, organized – busy – yet balanced: This is Paula”

This is a quote from Paula’s guidance counselor. If you were to read through Paula’s entire application you would find that these statements would check out. Paula had a 3.7 G.P.A in a very competitive school and also earned a score of 2020 on her SAT’s. However, not only are her grades well above average, but she is involved in an array of different Extracurricular Activities. These activities range from being an All-League Captain of Varsity Soccer, to Vice president.  Paula was born in Portugal and moved here when she was very young. She is not only fluent in Portuguese but also received a 5 on her Spanish AP exam. After reading through Paula’s application I feel that Paula is a well rounded, hard working, driven student and person. She gives a 100% in everything she does and it seems that it has paid off. I believe that Paula would strive in college and I think she should be accepted into the college.