Evadne’s first proposal

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One problem that often takes place not only on the Trinity Campus but in many other places is that when it comes to issues regarding hate acts about race many of these times these get pushed under the rug. According to the Final Report of the Charter Committee on Campus Climate “our community has been marred repeatedly by malicious acts of racism” (pg 1) and that is why this report was put together. It is vital that in order to end these acts those students who are part of these acts are severely punished for this.

Throughout this year there has been multiple emails concerning hate acts on campus. The purpose of those emails is to let he community know that this has happen and to assure them that the people responsible for this will be punished. After the first email informing the community that this has happen I have never seen more follow ups regarding these issues. The first step to solving this is to make sure that everything that can be done to figure out who was part of this hate acts is done. It is also really important to make sure that the community knows that these acts will be intolerable and that the biggest punishment will be applied to those individuals that take part in these activities. Part of this solution is also to figure out that those people coming into Trinity are not gonna be part of this group of people that are responsible for these hate acts. I think that idea of final report of asking a question regarding community/diversity to Trinity’s applications is a good idea.

I think that in order to build a stronger paper I need to find out the different hate acts that have taken place at Trinity and what has been the consequences to the individuals that were part of them. I also need to find out how does Trinity go about investigating hate acts and what are the written rules regarding this matter.

One thought on “Evadne’s first proposal”

  1. Evadne, this is an interesting topic, and you could do further research by searching Chronicle of Higher Education and other databases for key words such as “college judiciary” systems, and also to look more closely at what kinds of information is (and is not) reported by Trinity. I’ll forward a sample report via email to you.

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