Osa’s first proposal

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1. The Problem
The problem that i see on Trinity’s campus specifically regarding race, race is not discussed or it is ignored in order to avoid discussion on the subject. There is this mindset at not only Trinity but other locations as well, to not dive into topics specifically about race. This is why i believe that racial events occur at Trinity as they happen. Because people are unaware of their peers and the racial experiences that they have had. In my own experiences people say things because of what they have experience but also because of who they think is around.
2. The Solution
Race is a delicate subject and one that will make even the most composed person uncomfortable. However, people are only comfortable with what they have been exposed to regularly what is a habit for them. I believe that in order for racial charged events to be stopped at Trinity people have to interact with each other about race, their own experiences and whatever else stems from that. I believe that all people at some point in their schooling or year here at Trinity should have an experience like those students in the movie SKIN DEEP. To begin understanding i strongly believe that however uncomfortable it can make people, people should have a deep discussion on the effect that race has had on their lives. So that people will be aware of those on campus around them and possibly understand and adapt their behavior to their peers.
3. Information
In order to write a paper on this topic i believe that i will need information about how colleges react to positive and negative events regarding race. I will need this because all colleges although they have similar goals handle racial events differently. Also, i believe i will need information on students first hand experiences on race and their opinions on the matter. Lastly, i believe that information on the different programs like PRIDE and mono-racialur frats and frats in general would be useful for my paper as well. This and possibly more would help be to develop a strong paper.

One thought on “Osa’s first proposal”

  1. Osa, this is an interesting start. Please work with Chelsey or a librarian to search for journal articles or Chronicle of Higher Ed stories about racial dialogue sessions at other campuses, similar to what you saw in Skin Deep. Also, check for a website that accompanied the Skin Deep movie for any suggestions they have.

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