Christy’s first proposal

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1. The Problem

The issue I am interested in addressing is the prevalence of cliques on Trinity’s campus.  Noticeably, students generally spend time with the same group of friends daily.  This problem brings about other social repercussions such as the feeling of exclusion experienced by those not “in” with a specific clique.  Our study of race and social class at Trinity along with observations of day-to-day interactions on campus show that students tend to associate predominantly with members of similar race and/or social class.

2. Possible Solution

As demonstrated in one of the interviews, the PRIDE program has ample room for improvement.  The student that shared her experience and reaction to this program expressed her distaste in the way it made her anticipate interactions with wealthier white students that were to arrive on campus later that week.  This creates a feeling of discomfort prior to the start of the academic year.  Also, a way of integrating students of different social classes is necessary.

3. Information Needed

In order to further explore this topic, I need information about the PRIDE program.  In addition, I want to compare other colleges’ means of addressing the issue of the integration of multicultural students into a predominately white setting.  I also plan to compare the racial diversity rates of the other schools in Trinity’s league.  In terms of social class, I would like to learn more about the amount of funding other colleges comparable to Trinity dedicate to financial aid.  I am wondering whether or not other colleges are facing the same problem of the diminishing middle class within its student body.  I would like to collaborate with Lucy Robinson on this project.