Eva’s revised proposal

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One problem that often takes place not only on the Trinity Campus but in many other places is that when it comes to issues regarding hate acts about race many of these times these get pushed under the rug. I am interested in researching college judiciary procedures in order to understand why after hate incidents have occurred on campuses the college/university doesn’t always get to see the follow ups that come with these incidents.

The first step to solving and stopping  hate crimes is to make sure that everything that can be done to figure out who was part of this hate acts is done. It is also really important to make sure that the community knows that these acts will be intolerable and that the biggest punishment will be applied to those individuals that take part in these activities. Part of this solution is also to figure out that those people coming into Trinity are not gonna be part of this group of people that are responsible for these hate acts. I think that idea of final report of asking a question regarding community/diversity to Trinity’s applications is a good idea.


Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.), and Kingsbridge Productions. Some Place I Call Home. Trinity College, 2007. Film.
Some Place I Call Home is a film by Alfonsi Bui regarding hate incidents that took place at Trinity in 2005. The film shows some of the of the steps that were taken in order to try to move toward the right direction in order to someday stop these acts of hate.
“Protesting Hate at Trinity College, April 2011.” College Archives – Documents (2011): n. pag.
-This article is regarding the incidents that occurred on the Trinity College campus in 2011 regarding hate acts when a beer was thrown at a minority.

United States. Responding to Hate Crimes and Bias-Motivated Incidents on College/University Campuses. Washington, D.C.?: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Community Relations Service, 2000. Print.

-Responding to Hate Crimes and Bias-Motivated Incidents on College/University Campuses are responses from students, college administrators, civil rights organizations, etc regarding the way in which colleges are handling hate crimes. They also offer possible solutions to this problem and recommend to unite with other colleges against these crimes .

Downey, John P. “Hate Crimes and Violence on College and University Campuses.” 1999 40.1 (1999): 3-9. Print.

-This article talks about how hate crimes is becoming such a big issue in college campuses, it gives some solutions on how to try to stop them and the characteristics of hate crimes.

One thought on “Eva’s revised proposal”

  1. Eva, your revised proposal continues to explore the important issue of college judiciary procedures regarding acts of hatred toward groups of people. But you need to push the writing further for this assignment, and I recommend that you consider the following items when drafting your paper:
    1) What exactly is the “problem” you are identifying? The current version states that “I am interested in researching college judiciary procedures in order to understand why after hate incidents have occurred on campuses the college/university doesn’t always get to see the follow ups that come with these incidents.” Are judiciary procedures the core problem, or the lack of community standards, or the lack of punishment for those who violate those standards? Or is it something else?
    2) Rethink and refocus on your proposed solution. At the beginning it mentions increasing public knowledge about who has committed hate crimes, while at the end of the paragraph it describes application questions. Decide on which solution seems most viable, and persuade us why.
    3) If you decide to focus on judiciary procedures, think creatively about what you can show readers with a sample report. Or if you decide to focus on application forms, then show us samples to help us think outside the box.

    Note that the text above included several typos and sentence fragments that you need to identify and correct before posting next time.

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