Charles’ revised proposal

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The events of previous years have brought to light a number of racial issue on Trinity’s campus. Many of the Minority students have felt there is a great divide between the White students and themselves. This was made all too clear last spring during the racial protests after and Black student was hit with a beer bottled and called a racial exploitative. The Campus seemed to be divided between the Minority students and a few White students that supported them, and the rest of the White community who felt the incident was an isolated incident, and was nothing more than an action by on student. There is a visible schism in the Trinity community between Minority and White Students.

There are numerous ways for us to bring the community together. Instead of having a orientation for just minority students, PRIDE could incorporate white students into the program also so that cliques don’t form composed of just minority students. The Cultural Houses could also open on weekend nights so that there are places for students to go other than the fraternities, and also help mix the Minority students and the White students in a social environment.

  1. Ben Gose, “Do Minority Orientations Encourage Segregation?,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 4, 1998, sec. Students,  Talks about whether Minority orientation programs are out dated and need to be redefined
  2. Laurie Fendrich, “Let Us Orient You,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Brainstorm, April 14, 2009, Talks about the Racial Orientation at Mount Holyoke College and how it involves both Whites, Minorities, and international students
  3. Tom Bartlett and Karin Fischer, “Orientation Programs for Minority Students: Segregation on College Campuses?,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 2, 1998, sec. The Chronicle Review, Argues that Minority orientation programs don’t create the divides on college, but rather incidents like racial profiling.

One thought on “Charles’ revised proposal”

  1. Charles, your revised proposal takes a deeper look at race relations and acknowledges that there may be different perspectives between White and Minority students on campus. But why does your proposed solution only call for action by organizations such as PRIDE and the cultural houses? Shouldn’t predominantly White organizations on this campus also take on new responsibilities for the shared “schism” that you describe? As you draft your paper, I encourage you to think more creatively — and research more extensively — about what both groups can do to work on these issues. At minimum, your writing should address President Jones’ recent white paper, and take a reasoned stance for or against his proposals. Also note that your text above includes typos (“called a racial exploitative” and “an action by on student”) that you need to identify and correct before posting.

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