Li Ming

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Li Ming
– From Shanghai, China (foreign)
– 93rd percentile in his class.
– High SAT 1 total: 1970
– Extracurricular activities
– Overall is in good academic standing.
– Great impression as a model citizen and person to a professor at the school (Mark Lantry).
– Works/Employed

– C+ in a senior year course
– Short (but positive) guidance counselor recommendation; due to the trouble of finding someone to write a recommendation from someone studying abroad
– Economic troubles paying for school. Would need a tuition
– Personal essay was not so much about him as it was about an environmental problem with the world.
– No AP/BC Courses listed
– NO alumni connection

In comparison:
– One of the highest GPAs out of the 15 students
– Only one from outside the United States of America
– Looking between the 3-5 people seating on the list.

Li Ming is a strong applicant for The College. As a student from Shanghai, China, Li Ming is the only international applicant The College is currently reviewing. He is a bilingual, very environmentally devoted young adult with an intended major of Environmental Science. Academically, Mr. Li has an accumulative high school grade average of 93 %, finishing also in the top 93rd percentile of his class. He scored a 1970 on his SAT I, making him the applicant with the fourth highest SAT I score out of all the applicants who included their standardized test scores. In his résumé, there are no listings of any AP classes or exams taken. Furthermore, Mr. Li has a “C+” in his senior year politics course. Although it is the only “C” he has received throughout high school, it did not come at a great time. Mr. Li has been mentioned to have “everything we here at The College desire in a student: drive, creativity, talent, and the desire to use those things to make these world better” from our own Associate Professor of Environmental Science here at The College. He shows productivity participating in various school groups when he is not working at the Hongkou District Electronics Waste Management Service. With that said, if we were to admit Mr. Li for admissions come next year, most of his tuition must be paid for by the school because of the economic strain it would cost to his family. With all this said, Li Ming is between the 3rd and 5th positions in our applicant pool.

Benjamin D. Rosen

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Mr. Benjamin D. Rosen is an Advanced Placement scholar who has challenged himself academically. Rosen scored 4’s on four AP exams. His intended major is creative writing. He is a strong student when it comes to English and Literature. However, he has a minor difficulty in Math. Rosen received a “C” his freshmen year in Honors Algebra 3, 4 and a “D” his sophomore year in Honors Pre-Calc 1, 2. His teachers from his letter of recommendations state that he is a student who follows his passion and engages in diversity. He has a good level of responsibility because he is the Editor-in-Chief of his school newspaper and directs the organization. Moreover, he also has a huge involvement in theater where he acts, writes, and edits plays. Rosen has a 3.45 GPA. The GPA requirement is a B+ average. Interviews are not required but highly encouraged. His father, who is a professor at Trinity, scheduled his son for an interview on Sep. 15. However, Rosen did not attend. Professor Rosen scheduled yet another interview appointment, and Rosen, once again, did not attend because it interfered with his theater schedule. Rosen clearly has not shown sincere interest in Trinity. Moreover, there are no special awards listed that Rosen has received. Therefore, he is chosen to be on the waiting list.

Lisa Wu

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I believe that Lisa Wu should be put on the Waitlist for The College. Lisa seems to be well rounded with adequate grades but her interview was not impressive. She lacked the exuberance that she seemed to convey in school that was stated in her recommendations. She seemed to lack the qualities of a leader. But this does not mean Lisa is not worthy of The College, I believe that she has potential and just needs a bit of a push toward the right direction. To give her the benefit of the doubt she may have been nervous but the interviewer stated, “I do not think Lisa would stand out and can be an exceptional leader/student at [Trinity]. I do however think she could handle [Trinity] from an academic standpoint just fine”. This information seemed to contradict many of the statements given by her teachers such as, “maturity beyond her years”, “natural curiosity”, “and charismatic leader “,” strong-willed determination to succeed”.  It was disconcerting to hear that Lisa did not quite live up to expectation but she seems to have potential and I believe there is no real cut off for potential but a dotted line, where she still has a chance.

Erika Sparks

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Erika Sparks should be admitted to this college based on her credentials. Out of the 15 other applicants Erika stood out; the average GPA being 3.76 where only Erika and three other students received 4 and above. Her extra curricular activities include Habitat for Humanity president, cross country runner, peer mentor and Hurricane Katrina fund raising committee president. She is “simply the spirit behind Habitat, which is the largest and most active club on campus.” She also has an array of honors and awards including the Yale book award and the biology student achievement award. Her guidance counselor mentioned she faced a unique problem “that there are so many who want to express their admiration and appreciation to ensure that colleges grasp the breadth of her accomplishments and talents.” In comparison with the rest of her class she was in the top 5% or above in nearly every rating. “Intelligence, ambition, strong values, deep interests and determination…make Erika an outstanding young woman.”

Angelica Parker

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Angelica Parker is a strong student who has excelled academically for her entire high school career. During high school even through hardship, she has always been focused on her academics, which has resulted in her being a honor student in a range of subjects. Although this girl is adamant about making the most of her education, she is also a competitive swimmer as well as a volunteer. Her time as a volunteer fits constantly between programs for youth, math tutoring and the Walk for Breast Cancer. In addition, when her mother was suffering from a rare unnamed disease and had to leave her children for treatment, Angelica  filled in and took care of all her mother’s responsibilities while going through with the norm of her life. She is a mature, devoted student with promise. In contrast, she describes herself as a procrastinator occasionally puts off her work and then feels the pressures of deadlines.

Because of her strengths as an individual i think that Angelica Parker should be admitted to the college.

Jean Lattimore

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Jean Lattimore grew up in a very rural area in New Hampshire where he was one of only 45 people in his graduating class. He was in the top 5% of his class meaning he was one of the best students at his school with a very good GPA of 3.8 and cumulative SAT score of 1920. Even though a few other of the applicants had slightly better GPA’s and SAT scores Jean had something that made him stand out from those people. Jean was heavily involved in his community, his student government, as well as his high school’s basketball team. Jean was the president of student council for all four years of his high school career as well as being on the JV and Varsity basketball team throughout his whole high school career. He got the silver award for community service as well as the American Legion Post Award for Academic Achievement proving that he was not only a good student but cared about his community as well. He also interned at Senator John Sununu’s office for one summer and has now become very involved with politics. On top of all this his Guidance counselor and his history teacher’s recommendations had nothing but good things to say about him and they stated many times that he was one of the most influential and intelligent student that they had seen in their careers. The one minor downfall in his application is that his essay was about politics and was very opinion based which I did not like. Other than that his application was phenomenal and I believe that he should be offered a spot at our institution.

Samuel Gottlieb

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After reviewing Samuel Gottlieb’s college application, it is clear that his strengths, both in and out of the classroom vary.  He attended Chicago Hebrew Academy where he quickly learned to speak in Hebrew.  His travel experience and skills in the languages will be beneficial when he pursues his intended major, International Studies.  He is described as motivated, active, confident, and receptive to constructive criticism by his professors and college counselor, which makes him seem to be a good addition to an incoming freshman class at The College.  Although it is mentioned that he did not take on a difficult class schedule, he earned excellent grades and demonstrates the potential to handle a more challenging curriculum in college.  He was the captain of the basketball and soccer teams, and even though he was injured during his final basketball season, he never felt defeated.  He was persistent in the healing process and eventually went on to bring his soccer team to a successful season.  He now has an athletic award named after him.  Finally, he travelled to Mexico and was inspired to increase civic awareness amongst his peers by creating a student organization called Students Taking Action.  Samuel is passionate about sports, his student organization and his dedicated to his education.  Samuel would make an excellent addition to any college he attends, but I think he should be waitlisted due to limited enrollment, lack on an interview, and his class schedule that could have been more challenging.

Caitlin Quinn

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Caitlin Quinn of San Francisco, CA, would be considered by many as the model student. Caitlin has a GPA of 3.9, an SAT I score of 1680, a composite ACT score of 23, and scores of 5 and 3 on the AP English and Biology exams, respectively. Though Caitlin’s counselor recommendation reveals a weakness in regards to standardized testing, Caitlin’s academic achievements have earned her Consistent High Honors and the Cum Laude Award. She is the captain of two sports, yearbook editor, co-founder of the Quidditch Club and the Israeli Culture Club, and is passionate about drama, film, and media. Recently, Quinn participated in a trip to Israel that drove her to reconnect with her Jewish heritage and inspired a moving photo essay that she shared with 400 students. Caitlin is Caucasian and has four alumni connections.

I recommend accepting Caitlin into the College. Though she might not be a strong test-taker, Caitlin’s high GPA and academic honors are enough to convince me that she does have the strong work ethic necessary to thrive at the College. From sports to culture and the arts, Caitlin shows full investment in her many interests and her lengthy lists of quality leadership roles shows that she definitely has the potential to use her passions to contribute greatly to the community at the College. Furthermore, her journey to self-discovery in Israel and her resulting contributions to her community shows that Caitlin is open to growth as a student and as a person, and is willing to use her findings to grow personally and incite change in the world around her. Her astounding combination of rigorous courses, a helpful attitude, and an eagerness to learn for the sake of learning will make her an excellent addition.

Cliff Anderson

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“Cliff has been able to maintain his high GPA while participating in a plethora of extracurricular activities, sports, leadership class, chess team, debate team, Building with Books, student government, and the African-American Club.” This one sentence shows how well rounded of an individual Cliff Anderson is. He is an African-American coming from a magnet school in Baltimore. He enjoys to challenge himself with many activities in high school and at very involved positions as well. He is an AP Scholar and has taken at least 4 ap/honors level courses a year throughout high school. The 4.2 GPA is outstanding and the ratings from his teacher are all very good or better, with the majority in outstanding or one of the top few encountered in my career. His English teacher raves about Cliff and thinks he will be a leader and has a unstoppable drive to succeed. The only seemingly weak point in his application is his testing scores, but that doesn’t seem like it will be much of a problem since he is very highly motivated in terms of post grad work. I think he will make a strong leader on campus and should be admitted to the college.

Rosa Martinez

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Rosa Martinez is a Mexican American from San Antonio, Tx who is in the top 6% of her class at Jackson High School. She has a 3.8 GPA, a score 3 on her AP English Language exam, a 1910 SAT score and a few extra curricular activities like editor in chief for the yearbook and the class secretary for the students government. She also has awards/honors like Most Valuable Member of the Yearbook Staff and has received High Honors her whole high school career.

Rosa would be a great addition to the Trinity Community in the academics as well as community wise. Her teachers and guidance counselor described her as hard worker who “strives to succeed but is not overbearing”. “She values the opinions of others and is enthusiastic about everything she does”. Even though her parents went through a divorce during her freshman and sophomore year which was an extremely rough time for Rosa, she still managed to keep up her grades which shows determination and the ability to never give up.

Whitney Brown

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Whitney excelled in almost all aspects of her high school career. She had an impressive GPA of a 3.6, and did not receive one C in any class in high school, and received a respectable a 1940 on her SAT I. Her ACT scores seem a tad bit low, but I do not think they are anything to worry about. She was a varsity athlete from freshman through junior year, and ended her sports career after a dispute with her coach. By all account whitney handled the situation with aplomb while her coach was being very unprofessional. Whitney volunteer work is exceptional. She taught Sunday school and also managed to find time to volunteer at the children’s hospital. Whitney is a very well rounded student and I think she would excel as a member of The College’s community. I am recommending Whitney Brown for admission to The College.

Paula Nunes

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“Enthusiastic, energetic, athletic, organized – busy – yet balanced: This is Paula”

This is a quote from Paula’s guidance counselor. If you were to read through Paula’s entire application you would find that these statements would check out. Paula had a 3.7 G.P.A in a very competitive school and also earned a score of 2020 on her SAT’s. However, not only are her grades well above average, but she is involved in an array of different Extracurricular Activities. These activities range from being an All-League Captain of Varsity Soccer, to Vice president.  Paula was born in Portugal and moved here when she was very young. She is not only fluent in Portuguese but also received a 5 on her Spanish AP exam. After reading through Paula’s application I feel that Paula is a well rounded, hard working, driven student and person. She gives a 100% in everything she does and it seems that it has paid off. I believe that Paula would strive in college and I think she should be accepted into the college.

Daniel Juberi

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Daniel Juberi is a perfect match for “The College.”  I feel that he should definitely be admitted as a member of the incoming class because of the numerous skills he inhibits. As I looked through his recommendations it is apparent that his teachers and counselors reviews have been nothing but extraordinary. Aside from a few setbacks in his high school careers it seemed that Daniel’s strengths far outweigh his weaknesses. Daniel has expressed an interest in his community, his studies, and his athletics. Daniel’s strength’s are embedded in his ability to be someone who can be the poster child of a school. He manages to keep a consistent grade point average throughout his four years of high school. He was not only a book worm, but was the captain of the basketball team winning the most valuable player. Being the captain of both the clubs and sports, Dan proves to be someone who goes beyond the mandatory school work. His leadership qualities are something a school normally doesn’t see within kid who grew up with no staple fatherly figure in his life. A school would choose Daniel because he can speak out against the things he doesn’t believe in. He is not some dumb jock who only knows how to play sports. Daniel is someone who has not only dealt with adversity, but manages to fight through the tough times a succeed in excellence. Finally, Daniel is someone a college would want because his priorities are set. He knows what he wants in life as he made his stride towards taking multitudes of math and economic courses to achieve his goal as a economy major. Daniel is the whole package, someone who a school needs, intelligent, athletic, a leader, and someone who could change a school.

Jazmine Hope-Martin

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After reviewing Jazmine Hope-Martin’s application it is obvious that she is the type of student we want at Trinity.  She had a strong interview at Trinity, where she demonstrated how mature, bright, and articulate she is.  She graduated high school with a GPA of 96.17 and marks all above 88%.  Further, she earned impressive scores on both her SAT and her ACT.  She is also quite athletic and could be an excellent addition to some of the athletic teams.  She was the captain of her high school cross-country team and crew team.  One noticeable weakness on her application was her AP French language exam.  She only scored a two, which was dramatically lower then all her other marks. Although she doesn’t have any alumni connections to Trinity, her other strengths will allow her to thrive at this school.  After evaluating all fifteen applications, it is evident that Jazmine’s application is one of the strongest and for that reason she should be offered a spot of admission.