round 3: Dean correspondence and ratings

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To: Admissions Committee
From: Dean of Admissions

I am forwarding correspondence that I have received in recent days from other leaders of The College regarding your decisions about the applicants. Listen to their individual input, but stay focused your primary goal of creating the best class for the next entering year.

You need to make faster progress toward reaching a final decision. I expect to receive a ranked list of applicants, with input from the entire Admissions Committee, before you meet me on Monday Sept 21st. If you need to use numerical ratings and/or voting to arrive at this decision, then go ahead and do so.

From: Vice President of Development
As you begin your work in selecting the next class of students, I’m writing to call your attention to an application from Caitlin Quinn. Over the past two generations, four of her close relatives have attended The College, and her family continues to be a very important financial supporter of our institution. Whenever families like Caitlin’s donate to The College, their generosity benefits all of our students. I hope that you keep this in mind during your deliberations.

To: Dean of Admissions
From: Dean of Diversity
Last year, when The College enrolled a smaller number of minority students than had been anticipated, everyone agreed that we did not meet our institutional goal for a truly diverse class. This year, we urge you to give your strongest consideration to qualified students who will enhance diversity on our campus, to reach our institutional goal of enrolling at least one-third of the entering class from diverse backgrounds.

To: Dean of Admissions
From: Athletic Director
This has been a very competitive recruiting season. Our basketball and soccer coaches have asked me to forward names of the following student athletes, who we believe would contribute to our fine athletic teams at The College.

– Paula Nunes  — women’s soccer
– Dan Juberi  — men’s basketball
– Angelica Parker, Christopher Clark — swimming





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