Category: FAQs

Can I access Bloomberg Professional on my personal computer?

No, you can only access the Bloomberg Professional service on one of the 11 terminals located in the Financial Research and Technology Center, LITC A02.   Note also that you can only be logged into Bloomberg on one terminal at a time.

How do I start using the Bloomberg terminals?

Welcome to the Financial Research and Technology Center at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut! To use the Bloomberg terminal, you must first create a login name and password, and note that this username and password is not the same as your Trinity credentials. After you create a login, it is recommended you work through the Bloomberg For Education Getting Started manual to learn the basics of Bloomberg. Read More

I just created a login. What next?

Just getting started on using Bloomberg? Want some guidance on how to use the system? Then work through this recently-published guide from Bloomberg that describes the functionality of the keyboard and panels, and gets you started on analyzing securities.

Bloomberg For Education Sept 2018

How can I use Bloomberg as a student?

Make Bloomberg work for you!

Apart from gaining a better understanding of the financial markets, Bloomberg can be used in a variety of different ways that can prove to be useful in your future careers.

Creating a Bloomberg email and adding it to your resume, getting real-time Bloomberg news alerts on your smartphone, and finding valuable contacts like your school alumni – are just one of the few ways in which you can use Bloomberg. The ways in which you could use Bloomberg to your advantage do not end here- see the attached pdf to read about why Bloomberg is one of the best resources to conduct research on your interviewers, analyze industries, prepare for interviews, attract future employees- and more!


Where is the Bloomberg tab in Excel 2019?

Need to use the Bloomberg plugin in Excel, and don’t see the tab? [Note that these instructions are only for the PCs in the Bloomberg lab.] Read More