Good Luck LSAT Students!

This weekend is the February LSAT, so I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to wish everyone good luck and offer some advice from the June and October LSAT students!

1. Don’t Panic.  The LSAT is a high pressure test, but you can always re-take it if you’re not happy.

2. Please Stop. Do NOT do any practice questions after Thursday.  If you’ve been studying consistently, you will be fine.  If not, you can’t study for the LSAT in two days, so it might be more effective to eat as much of these foods as possible.

3. Distract Yourself.  See a movie the night before with your friends! (Remember them?)  You probably need to be distracted to truly relax.

4. Scout. If you’ve never been to the test site before, drive there one or two days in advance so you know exactly how to get there and how long it takes.  This will reduce your anxiety the morning of.

5. Snacks on Snacks.  The LSAT will suck every last bit of energy from you by the time you hit the second section, so make sure you bring something to eat during the break that will sustain you- Candy is not a legitimate snack.

6. Dress in layers– it’s important that you be comfortable throughout the exam so you can focus solely on the test no matter what the temperature in the room is.

7. Move on. If you feel like a section went poorly, put it out of your mind immediately and focus on the next section.  If you are preoccupied with it throughout the rest of the test, or if you rush to try to have time to flip back and fix your answers, you will do more harm than good.

Good luck everyone!

Thanks to Zoe Bartholomay, Zachary Green, Stephen Gruendel, Chelsea Hanse and Daniel Patterson for sharing advice.

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