

The feature article on the introduction of coeducation 50 years ago was particularly well done. The piece reflected the many challenges undergraduate women had at that time not only at Trinity but also in medical schools as they faced similar problems. In my October 2018 regular monthly commentary in our local paper, The Virginia Gazette, I addressed the issue in medicine. It may be of interest to you.

Finally, what a neat set of images of the international students wrapped in their flags … it said it all!

Jonathan Stolz, M.D. ’65
Williamsburg, Virginia

Read Dr. Stolz’s commentary and see a picture of him and Trinity roommate John Parlin, M.D. ’65 on campus in 1962 on his Q&A page.


While I completed the [reader] survey, I did so before looking through the print version of The Trinity Reporter, which I received this afternoon.

If I would alter any of my comments, it would relate to the graphic layout/color quality of this edition. The dramatic multipage effects, the color not only in the “Welcoming the World” piece (which delivered a message that went far beyond the graphics), and the “heroic” treatments of the photos depicting Lou Shipley and Kevin McMahon all add up to an emboldened publication.

As a onetime Tripod Editorial Board member who has spent a career commissioning and directing graphic designers and ad agencies in the consumer packaged goods and sports/entertainment worlds, these improvements convey progress.

Well done.

Matt Levine ’60
Los Altos, California


As a member of the Class of 1980, I, too, was not aware of any tradition about not stepping on the Roosevelt marker. As a history major whose senior thesis was on the Spanish-American War, I did find it cool, however, that President Roosevelt had visited the college. I was also glad to see that my friend and fraternity brother [and letter writer] F. Michael Gould is alive and well [Letters, fall 2018].

As far as the question of Coach Hitchcock’s cover photo, my remarks were intended to be about sport, not sexism. In the 35-plus years that I have been coaching youth sports, I am always reminding the boys and girls whom I coach to smile. Not only does everyone have more fun when everyone is smiling, but there is evidence that smiling improves sports performance. And Coach Sheppard, whom I remember from my time at Trinity, would lose her “first sporting bet” about my male coaches because you could not even get the late, great Chet McPhee to pose “sans smile. Just sayin’.”

Robert S. Herbst ’80
Larchmont, New York

Editor’s note: James Kirschner ’75, who as a Trinity student held a part-time job assisting then-college photographer David Lowe, told us that the winter 2019 cover photo looked familiar. Kirschner, known to his friends as “Kirsch,” said he either took the photo or developed it for Lowe in the college darkroom in the basement of Williams Memorial. Now chief strategy officer at the YMCA Retirement Fund in New York City, Kirschner also identified cover subjects Eileen Bristow Molloy ’75, center, now a retired teacher living in Rhode Island, and Jim Finkelstein ’74, left, now president and CEO of FutureSense and president of FutureSense Holdings in California. For more on Finkelstein, please see page 67.


The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at sonya.adams@trincoll.edu or Sonya Adams, Office of Communications, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.