New Deans

Associate Professor of Computer Science Takunari Miyazaki and Associate Professor of Theater and Dance Mitchell Polin ’96 began their new positions as associate deans in June. Miyazaki serves as associate dean for faculty development, supporting engineering, mathematics, and the natural and social sciences, and Polin serves as associate dean for curriculum, working closely with the arts and humanities. 

Takunari MiyazakiMiyazaki, who earned a B.S. in mathematics from the University of Kansas and an M.S. and Ph.D. in computer and information science from the University of Oregon, joined the Trinity faculty in 2001 after beginning his academic career at Bucknell University. He has served as department chair and on the Curriculum Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, and the President’s Coordinating Group for Implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Mitch PolinPolin, who earned a B.A. in theater and dance from Trinity and an M.A. in performance studies from New York University, is a professional dramaturge, director, media artist, and playwright. Also a Trinity faculty member since 2001, Polin has served as department chair, co-director of the Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (TIIS), chair of the Curriculum Committee, and director of the InterArts Program and Film Studies Program, as well as on numerous elected faculty committees.

Acting Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sonia Cardenas said, “Both have consistently been advocates for the liberal arts, beyond their own disciplines and divisions, as evident throughout their work. They will provide us with steadfast leadership.”