Category Archives: Internships

Congratulations to PBPL Major Erin DeMarco ’23, Published Author of Op-Ed

By Panop (Nop) Phongpetra ’23 Editor-in-Chief The Public Policy and Law Department is very proud of Erin DeMarco ’23, a junior Public Policy and Law major whose op-ed was published in the Connecticut Mirror‘s Viewpoints! For the Public Policy and Law … Continue reading

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Congratulations to PBPL Major Emily Blanchard ’22, Published Author of Op-Ed

By Panop (Nop) Phongpetra ’23 Editor-in-Chief The Public Policy and Law Department is very proud of Emily Blanchard ’22, a senior Public Policy and Law major whose op-ed was published in the Connecticut Mirror‘s Viewpoints! For the Public Policy and Law … Continue reading

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Congratulations to PBPL Major Marisol Garcia ’22, Published Author of Op-Ed

By Panop (Nop) Phongpetra ’23 Editor-in-Chief The Public Policy and Law Department is very proud of Marisol Garcia ’22, a senior Public Policy and Law major whose op-ed was published in the Connecticut Mirror‘s Viewpoints! For the Public Policy and Law … Continue reading

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Summer Spotlight: Olivia Louthen ’22 Explores Nexus of Policy and Journalism At Injustice Watch Internship

By Brendan W. Clark ’21 Editor-in-Chief Public Policy and Law major Olivia Louthen ’22 worked this past summer at Injustice Watch, a “non-partisan, not-for-profit multimedia journalism organization” in Chicago which focuses on exposing institutional corruption and holding public agencies and … Continue reading

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Antonia Lluberes ’16 Shares Her Experience Interning at Third Way

For nearly 10 weeks, I have had the pleasure of working in Washington D.C. as an Outreach Intern at Third Way, a centrist think tank aiming to bring moderates on both sides of the aisle together and lead from the … Continue reading

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Summer at the State House: Part II

By Sam Livingston ’14 This is the second installment of a two part piece on Sam’s summer internship. Since the judicial nomination process is arduous, involving a mountain of paperwork for both the JNC and the applicants, a support staff … Continue reading

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